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Speaking of advanced folder...

The advanced mode of folder creation allows you to define several properties for them, as well as approval and security criteria.

    Fields of advanced folder


    Description that identifies the new folder.

    General information

    Enter the requested information in the tab.

    Storage settings

    Quota (MB)
    Maximum storage size of folder. The quota set for the folder will limit the total size of posts within it. This field is only enabled if the quota control resource is active on the platform and when the parent folder has no quota control. If the parent folder has quota control, the folder that is being created will inherit the same size as the parent folder, and everything that is posted in both the parent folder and the secondary folders will consume the parent folder quota. In order to assign a quota to a parent folder, you must remove the specific quota of the secondary folders, since they will inherit the value set for the parent folder. For information on how to activate this control, see Quota control.

    Long-term storage
    Format of the document to be generated and stored if you wish to create documents to be stored in this folder for long periods. The available options are:
    - Does not store;
    - PDF/A;
    - ODF.
    When you fill this field with an extension (PDF or ODF), every time you upload a .doc or .docx file (for example), it will create a copy in the extension checked in your volume. We provide this feature because .doc or .docx are examples of private software extensions. As such, there is no guarantee that you will be able to view them whenever you are using fluig. Since PDF and ODF are free, it is virtually guaranteed that you will always be able to view them. Therefore, this resource works as a backup to ensure document storage without relying on proprietary software.


    PDF/A is a standard defined by ISO 19005-1:2005, where some features are not allowed because they are not compatible with the profile of an electronic document for long-term archiving.

    Sometimes documents converted to PDF/A may have their quality reduced, such as those that use the transparency feature. After posting documents, users should view the document in order to make sure that it has not lost any properties.

    Metadata settings

    User who will be defined as author of the folder.

    Folder identification labels used to facilitate future searches.

    Icon type
    Graphic identification icon for the folder. For more information, see Icon registration.

    Description of the folder, on the type of content it will store or other information considered relevant.


    Define the approval criteria for the folder, if you wish.

    Inherit approvers from parent
    When checked, this option specifies that the folder will inherit the approval criteria defined in the parent folder, i.e., approvers cannot be added to the folder, the parent folder approvers will be used at all times and the assignment will be sequential. Therefore, when changing the parent folder approvers, this will reflect in the secondary and tertiary folders, and others that have this option checked. You can uncheck the field Inherit approvers from the parent at any time.
    If the parent folder does not have approvers or if it is the root folder, this option is not displayed.

    If the folder is configured not to inherit the approval criteria of its parent folder, you can enter specific criteria for this folder. For detailed information about the procedure, see Define approval criteria for folder or document.


    Define the security criteria for the folder, if you wish.

    For detailed information about the procedure, see Define security criteria for folder or document.

    Inherited properties

    Define the requested information.

    Inherited properties

    When checked, the option found in this column determines that the corresponding field is a property inherited from the parent folder, i.e., it will not be enabled for editing. The option found in this column is not enabled when the folder is created in the root folder, since the root will be the parent folder that will determine the properties for the sub-folders below it. If the folder is a sub-folder of an existing folder in the root, this option is checked by default and the properties inherited from the parent folder, and you can change them if you wish.


    Document type
    Type of document to which the folder belongs. 

    Subject to which the folder belongs. For more information, see Subjects.

    When checked, this option determines that a notification will be sent by e-mail when documents are posted within that folder for users that have the folder subject as a subject of interest.

    Create unmodifiable version/review
    When checked, this option determines that you can only make changes to the folder by creating a new version or review of it, because the current version is unmodifiable.

    Version control method applied to the folder. The available options are:

    • New review: when it is selected, all changes made result in a new reviewed version of the current document. It is normally used when the document has a slight change. As you choose this option, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date will be changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new review.
    • New version: when it is selected, all changes made result in a new document version. It is normally used when the document has a substantial change in content. As you choose this option, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date will be changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new version.
    • Maintain version:  when selected, the current document version is maintained. It is used when the current document is no longer valid and it is necessary to replace all of the current content with new, updated content. If the document requires approval, the document’s previous content continues to be displayed until the new version/review is approved. As you choose the “Maintain review” option, the contents of the document can be changed and the date that the original version was created can be maintained, without creating a new version of the document.

    Allows download and printing?
    When checked, this option determines that the folder allows its content to be downloaded and printed by users who have permission to do so, i.e., the Download and printing option under the folder's Security tab is checked for the user or a group to which the user belongs.

    Update properties of a controlled copy?
    When checked, this option determines that the properties required for printing a controlled copy will be updated. The controlled copy printing feature allows you to determine the target area for the copy being printed, and also allows the automatic issuance of the delivery protocol, preventing the content of controlled documents from unauthorized changes or copies.

    Use internal viewer?
    When checked, this option determines that the documents will be displayed in the platform's internal viewer. Documents are displayed in the internal viewer by default.

    Custom fields
    When checked, this option determines that customized fields to be displayed in document properties are inherited from the parent folder. If not selected, the user can click on Add field to include fields developed on the platform if it is defined that they will not be inherited from the parent folder.

    Please note!

    This documentation is valid as of the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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