Product: | TOTVS Backoffice |
Product Line: | Microsiga Protheus Line |
Industry: | Services |
Module: | TOTVS Backoffice (Protheus Line) - Fixed Asset (SIGAFIS) |
Function: | FISXATF.PRW |
Country: | Brazil |
Ticket: | 19714440 |
Requisite/Story/Issue: | DSERCTR1-45022 |
Use entry point DEPRECQRY to edit the search query when generating the record F120 of SPED PIS/COFINS.
The Entry Point has a parameter with the following specification:
Parameter | Use |
cFiltro | String containing the default query that can be edited. |
Handling of EP in the system:
No anexo abaixo temos exemplo de utilização do Ponto de Entrada DEPRECQRY:
The example above refers only to a model for using the Entry Point. The customer is responsible for customizing it depending on their needs and its impacts.
Language | Portuguese(Brazil) |
Versions | 11 |
Operating Systems Supported | All |
Compatible with the following Databases | All |
Return | cFiltro(caracter) - String containing the handled query. |
Not Applicable.