The bank communication routine Brazilian Payment System (Sispag) enables the following operations:

  • Generate File - generates the Sispag Bank Communication file for payment bordereaux.
  • Receive File - processes return file of the Bank Communication sent by the bank with information on payment confirmations. Paid bills are automatically written off, tasks related to supplier and bank balance update are performed, and write-off (operation) and accounting records are saved as well.


In Cnab return, the write-off of bills is multifunctional, that is, is performed for different branches.


To perform Sispag Bank Communication:

1. In Sispag, press [F12] to configure routine parameters.

2. The parameter screen is displayed.

3. Check out the parameter:

    • Process Branch? - select of of the options: All Branches or Current Branch.


For the routine to work properly, if you select All Branches, the IDCNAB feature for multiple branches must have been installed.

4. Fill out other data according to field help instructions.

5. Check information and confirm.

To generate the Sispag file:

1. In Sispag, select Generate File.

2. Click Parameters.

3. The parameter screen is displayed for you to select the numbers of bordereaux to be sent, name of configuration file (defined in Configurator module, option Cnab Sispag) and name of file to be generated.

4. Enter information and confirm.

A screen with registered bordereaux is displayed.

To receive the Sispag file:

1. In Sispag, select Receive File.

2. Click Parameters.

3. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

4. Check information and confirm.

The system returns to the routine description screen.

5. Confirm it to start processing.

See Also