The Messenger tool is activated whenever a remote Microsiga Protheus® application is started. Messenger constantly checks for any messages for the user connected to the remote application. If there is any, it displays a message notifying the user that there are new messages to be read.

These messages can be either Workflow messages or text messages. Workflow messages are opened in a browser (such as Internet Explorer®).


Microsiga Protheus® must have the HTTP server activated, since responses to Workflow processes are processed through function calls in ADVPLASP. Check with TOTVS help desk on how to activate this server.


First, parameter MV_WFMESSE must be configured with S. This activates the Microsiga Protheus® Messenger.

Then, configure parameter MV_WFTIBRW with the name of the internet browser to be used to respond to processes, like IEXPLORE.EXE. Make these configurations through the Configurator module.

In the operating system, you must enter the directory path where the file entered MV_WFTIBRW is located. Repeat this process in each workstation.

Workflow Processes

There were no changes in the Workflow processes schedule. In properties cTo, cCc e cBcc of class TWFProcess, you can enter the Microsiga Protheus® user's name instead of the e-mail address.


oProcess:cTo := marcelo

or you can even add Microsiga Protheus® users and email addresses.



oProcess:cTo := marcelo;fernando;

In the above case, the first two individuals will receive the message within Microsiga Protheus® and the last, through email.

Receiving Messages from Workflow

To receive messages from Workflow, you must connect to a remote Microsiga Protheus® workstation. When new messages are received, a screen with the number of new messages from Workflow is displayed.

If you do not want to read the messages, just click Close. Otherwise, click the option concerning the type of message to be read and a screen is displayed with messages sorted by status.

On this screen, messages can have three different statuses:


  • Pending Processes: The message requires a reply not yet made by the user.
  • Processes Running: The message is processed by the Workflow after being replied by the user.
  • Processes Replied: The message was returned and successfully processed by the Workflow.


  • Pending Items: Displays the messages not yet read.
  • Items Read: Displays the messages read by the user.
  • Items Sent: Displays the messages sent by the user.

To read/reply a message, select the message and double-click it.


The message, in HTML format, is opened in the browser defined in the parameter MV_WFTIBRW. Then, follow the reply procedure according to the process open.

The Traceability option displays the screen of process traceability query.

The Remove option removes the processes chosen.


Then, the message description screen is displayed. You can reply the message or forward it to another person by clicking the corresponding option in the button bar.

If you choose to reply the message, just write the text to be sent.

If you want to forward the message, choose the recipients by clicking To. This button opens a window with the system users. Select the recipients you want to send the e-mail to and click OK to confirm your choice.

To send a reply or forward message, click OK.

To create a new message and send it to some Protheus user, click New Message, which opens a screen to enter the recipient(s), subject, and the message to be sent. You can choose the message priority. This priority (regular, high, and low) defines the order of pending messages in your inbox.

The History option tracks the history of a message displaying all the messages related to it.

Checking Messages

You can check your messages anytime by accessing the menu option Miscellaneous - Workflow - Messenger.


Reading/replying a message:

1. In Messenger, select the message and click Run.

The message is displayed in HTML format in the browser window defined by the parameter MV_WFTIBRW.

2. Follow the reply procedure according to the process open.