Instant Payments (PIX) are electronic monetary transfers in which the payment order transmission and the funds' availability to the receiving user happen in real-time. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and during the entire year.
The transfers occur directly from the payer user to the receiving user, without the need for mediators and with lower transaction costs.
PIX can be transferred online, and some banks are also making PIX communication available via the CNAB template. The process is ready to work with the Dynamic QR Code template.
CNABs validated with our customers will be made available on CNAB Cloud (Payable) and TDN (Receivable), but the system can be used in any bank. You only need to set up CNAB according to the bank manual.
We have two new payment templates to use in the Accounts Payable Bordereau routine:
After the system is updated with the dictionary package, they will be available in table 58 - Payment method - SISPAG, at the Configurator.
To account for the PIX collection process, we created two standardized entries (LPs). Below are their setup details:
54G - Accounts Receivable - Portfolio transfer to PIX
Field | Content | Note |
Currency Val 1 | FWI->FWI_VALOR | As a second option, fields from table F71 can also be used (F71->F71_VALOR to get the bill's original value, or F71->F71_VLRPIX to get the collection value) Table SE1 will also be available for accounting for other values existing in the bill, such as taxes, increases, decreases, etc. |
54H - Accounts Receivable - PIX transfer to portfolio
Field | Content | Note |
Currency Val 1 | FWI->FWI_VALOR | The same information from the note in LP 54G |
Both LPs are triggered:
Remember that journal entries related to PIX must be considered in working days, regardless of whether they are being performed on weekends and holidays.
In the bank registration, the new ISPB field is the Brazilian Payment System Identifier that is needed for submission in CNAB Receivable.
This link presents an updated list:
The bank registration also has a new screen for listing PIX Keys linked to each bank/branch/account record.
In Other Actions within the bank record, the new PIX Keys option allows you to link up to 20 PIX keys per account, but only one key can be active.
The PIX keys cannot be used by another bank, since Bacen's DICT assures this integrity to the financial system.
The system allows the following key types: e-mail, mobile phone number, EIN, and random.
This new table that stores the banks' PIX keys (table F70) must have the same sharing as the environment's banks table (table SA6).
To use the integration with Banco do Brasil, it is necessary to inform the register of the official bank (A6_BCOOFI) "001", which is the identifier code of Banco do Brasil.
The suppliers’ registration has a new screen for listing the PIX keys linked to the supplier record.
In Other Actions within the Suppliers record, the new PIX Keys option allows you to link PIX Keys to the supplier. Only one key can be active at a time.
The PIX keys cannot be used in another supplier, since Bacen's DICT assures this integrity in the financial system.
The system allows the following key types: e-mail, mobile phone number, EIN/SSN, and random.
This new table that stores the suppliers' PIX keys (table F72) must have the same sharing as the environment's suppliers table (table SA2).
For PIX transfers (template 45) missing the supplier's PIX data, the Bank, Branch Cd, Checking Acct, and Sup. Acct. Tp fields must be entered for a successful transfer.
In the customer complementary data registration (in Other Actions, Customer Complement), two new fields are available: Generate PIX and E-mail PIX.
In the Generate PIX field, you must enter if the customer's bills will be generated by the billing routine with the PIX payment method, where:
In the Collection Status record, a new question, "PIX Status", was created to identify that bills in this collection status are from the PIX Payment Method.
The system only allows one collection status with this characteristic (PIX Status = Yes).
In a new installation, this situation has the K code. For existing installations, the next one available will be created with this feature.
With the PIX solution, the system allows a bill to be sent to Bank A through bordereau, and another PIX is eventually generated in another bank.
The entire concept and existing tables for bordereau were maintained, and PIX is controlled in a new entity.
Below are possible scenarios:
For bank slips, the strong key that identifies a bill in the bank system is the content of the E1_IDCNAB field.
For PIX, there is also a strong key called TRANSACTION ID (TXID) in the PIX manuals. In the system, this key is stored in the PIX Monitor table (F71), in the F71_IDTRAN field.
This routine did not need adjustments because it natively allows the configuration of the new layout blocks for the main banks.
New Functions
The following new functions are available for use in the CNAB Remittance Layout Template 1:
In the complement for bills in the Accounts Receivable record, a new tab called PIX was created, with a new field (Generate PIX) to store the information on whether the bill can be received by PIX or not.
By setting this field to Yes, the PIX process is started, generating the information in the PIX Monitor. If it is set to No, the respective PIX is canceled.
This field is not enabled for RA (Advance Receipt) bill types, since the receipt process is done.
For bills from customers in which the Generate PIX field is set to 1 or 2, in the customer compliment, the Generate PIX field of the bill complement starts automatically with Yes when these bills are generated.
This routine now handles the new layouts for 750 positions of the PIX bills receivable through the new "PIX Template" option in the "CNAB Configuration" question that used to have only options "Template 1" and "Template 2".
Since the PIX operation now allows a bill to be in bordereau and PIX simultaneously, this routine now automatically cancels a flow when the other one is finished.
The PIX Wizard (FINA893) is the routine responsible for validating connection credentials with TOTVS Instant Pay and/or Banco do Brasil.
Configuration of monitoring scheduling, QR Code generation, and PIX processing.
For further information about the routine, refer to PIX Wizard
After configuring this routine, it is possible to send and receive the data online through schedules FINA892 and FINA892A. For more information, visit - Job for sending and returning records in PIX billing status.
This new routine is responsible for the complete control of bills that can be paid using the PIX payment method.
It must be added to the Updates, Bank Commun. menu. Its code is FINA890.
All bills generated by Financials or Billing that have the Generate PIX field set to Yes are automatically listed in the PIX Monitor (F71).
This new table that stores the PIX bills information (table F71) must have the same sharing of the bills receivable table (table SE1) in the environment.
Caption for bills in the PIX Monitor routine:
Caption | Routine behavior |
- To generate CNAB / Waiting for Integration | This is the first step for a PIX bill. Indicates that it is available to be sent to the financial institution for registration through the Generate option, where we will have the assembly of the CNAB file and, if it is the Online PIX, the status means that the bill was created but has not yet been integrated with the bank. |
- Waiting for Cancelation (Integration) | Bills that were sent to the bank online and, for some reason, have undergone changes in value and date or have been posted, for example, but that the system has not yet received confirmation of cancelation of the charge. |
- Waiting for bank return of issue. | This is the status for when the bill submission was made, but the return of "confirmed entry" has not yet occurred. |
- Change requested | When it is necessary to edit a bill in the PIX system, the bill moves to this status which indicates that it needs to be sent to the bank to perform the change requested. Whenever the generation routine is sent, it automatically checks if there is any bill in this status. |
- Canceled | When processing the return, with the confirmation from the bank that the PIX was canceled, this information is made available using this status. |
- Cancelation sent to the bank (CNAB) | Request to be sent and puts this request in the generated CNAB file. |
- Cancelation Requested | When it is necessary to cancel a bill from the PIX system, the bill moves to this status which indicates that it needs to be sent to the bank. Whenever the generation routine is sent, it automatically checks if there are any |
- Customer Notified | With the QR Code information available, after the report (Print PIX) is generated with the respective QR Codes, the bill moves to this status. |
- CNAB Generated | This is the bill status after the CNAB file is generated. |
- Payment Reversed | Status of the bill sent and posted that the payment was reversed. |
- QR Code Generated | When processing the return, after the record is confirmed by the bank, we receive the QR Code information that will represent the bill in the PIX system and can make this information available to the customer. |
- Receipt Confirmed | After a new return processing, now with the confirmation of the receipt by the customer, the bill moves to this last status that indicates the receipt and posting of the respective bill. |
- Record changed | When processing the return, with the confirmation from the bank that the PIX was edited, this information is made available using this status. |
- Transacted by CNAB | In the case of configuration for online transactions in which the records have a CNAB file generated, this message is displayed indicating that the record was transacted with the bank via CNAB. |
Options available in the monitor:
Using this option, it is possible to select the bills to be sent to the respective bank online and/or via PIX CNAB.
The routine analyzes the banks configured with a main PIX key and Bank Parameters and, using a wizard, guides the user to select the bills liable for PIX registration requests in each selected bank.
In the same operation, the system also puts, in the same CNAB file, the PIX cancellation requests for the respective bank. These cancellation requests are made using various system points when, for example, a bill balance is edited.
The Wizard has the following characteristics:
This option allows you to resend emails to notify customers about the PIX collections, making the QR Code available for payment (same template of the PIX report, "Print PIX" option). This is possible when the PIX is in status "QR Code Generated" (caption ), i.e., after it is sent to the bank, and the Entry Confirmed return is received.
This option allows you to configure collection letters, messages sent with the collection letters, and QR Code, plus parameterizing the PIX value that will be sent in the remittance file.
The screen is divided into 3 grids (rows):
The option to configure increase, decrease, ancillary values (FINA035), and taxes that may compose the value of the PIX applies exclusively to the PIX CNAB.
The PIX collection cancellation process using the PIX Monitor routine happens according to the bill status in PIX (F71_STATUS).
The chart below explains the cancellation behavior in relation to the bill status in PIX:
Bill status in PIX / Caption | Routine behavior |
1 - CNAB to Generate | The bill will be canceled (F71_STATUS = 7, and FKF_RECPIX=2). |
2 - CNAB Generated | Message on screen explaining that the CNAB was generated and that it is awaiting a return from the bank. |
3 - QR Code Generated | The bill status becomes Requested to the bank (F71_STATUS = 6, and F71_SOLCAN =1). |
4 - Customer Notified | The bill status becomes Requested to the bank (F71_STATUS = 6, and F71_SOLCAN =1). |
5 - Receipt Confirmed | Message on screen explaining that the payment has been processed. |
6 - Cancellation Requested | Message on screen explaining that the cancellation was requested to the bank. |
7 - Cancellation sent to the bank | Message on screen explaining that the cancellation was sent to the bank. |
8 - Canceled | Message on screen explaining that the bill is canceled. |
Variable Name | MV_PIXDTHR |
Type | Character |
Description | Date and time of last execution of the PIX API integration in the format aaaa-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.MMMMMZ. |
Default Value |
Variable Name | MV_BCOPIX |
Type | Numeric |
Description | Defines the form of PIX Bills association with the Bank. |
Default Value |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX1 |
Type | Character |
Description | Collection letter to be sent in the inclusion of the PIX. |
Default Value |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX2 |
Type | Character |
Description | Collection letter to be sent in PIX deletion. |
Default Value |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX3 |
Type | Character |
Description | Default message to be sent in PIX inclusion. |
Default Value |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX4 |
Type | Character |
Description | Calculation rule of the PIX value (collection value). Caption:3rd position corresponds to tax values generated on bill posting or issuance2nd position corresponds to ancillary values1st position corresponds to increase and decrease balance |
Default Value |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX5 |
Type | Character |
Description | Canceled bill message to be printed on the FINRPIX report. |
Default Value | For your control, see below a list of canceled bills for your company through the PIX payment method. |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX6 |
Type | Character |
Description | Generated bill message to be printed on the FINRPIX report. |
Default Value | For your control and payment, see below a list of bills generated for your company through the PIX payment method. |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX7 |
Type | Character |
Description | Sets the posting purpose that will be used in the PIX posting transactions. |
Default Value |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX8 |
Type | Character |
Description | Sets the posting history that will be saved in the PIX posting transactions |
Default Value |
Variable Name | MV_FINPIX9 |
Type | Numeric. |
Description | Defines the type of bank communication to register bills in the PIX system (1 = CNAB, 2 = Online) |
Default Value | 1 |
Variable Name | MV_FIPIX10 |
Type | Character |
Description | Sets whether the banking transaction of PIX bills will be automatically conciliated when posting. 1-Conciliate; 2-Do not conciliate (Default); |
Default Value | 2 |
The MV_PIXDTHR parameter is populated by job FINA892, where the date/time of the last run is written so that the next online data requisition is from the time of the last requisition.
The MV_BCOPIX parameter defines the form of association of the bank, branch, and account with the generated PIX and has the following contents:
Set to 1: Search how many active PIX keys exist in table F70. If there is more than one, the bank must be associated manually using the PIX Monitor (FINA890);
Set to 2: Association method for the bank configured through the PIX Wizard routine (FINA893);
Set to 3: no bank is associated, and it must be linked manually using the PIX Monitor (FINA890).
The parameters mentioned above are configured in the Configure option in Other Actions, in the PIX Monitor routine (FINA890).
The MV_FINPIX4 parameter is used only in the CNAB PIX because, in online transactions, the net amount is calculated automatically by the system.
In the bill complement, in the Accounts Payable record, at the new PIX tab, a new field stores the information corresponding to the QR Code of that received bill.
This field can receive the QR Code content in at least two ways:
With the information available in the field, when the user leaves the field, the system will interpret the QR Code entered and display some information, such as Beneficiary, Value, Currency, City, Country, and Postal Code of the bill, so that the user can check if the QR Code was scanned successfully.
The system also allows taxes bills such as the INSS to receive the QR Code information. However, in these cases, the bill complement tab will only enable fields from the CNAB and PIX tabs for filling in.
Using the CNAB Cloud Wizard routine, the layout that serves the CNAB for 240 positions from the main banks in Accounts payable will be provided, easing the configuration of the respective layouts.
This routine did not need adjustments because it natively allows the configuration of the new layout block for the main banks.
New Functions
The following new functions are available for use in the CNAB Configurator Template 2:
These routines now validate the new templates 45 - PIX - Transfer and 47 - PIX - QR Code that can only be used if the bank/branch/bordereau account has an active PIX key in Banks registration > Other actions > PIX keys.
The FINA300 - SISPAG routine available at the Updates/Bank Communication menu was not edited for processing CNAB with the PIX payment method since the process also serves the CNAB 240 positions - Sispag 1 file.
AI0 - Customer Complement (Accounts Receivable)
AI0_RECPIX - Generate PIX
FKF - Bill complement
FKF_RECPIX - Generate PIX - (Accounts Receivable)
FKF_PAGPIX - QR Code - (Accounts Payable)
FRV - Collection Status
PIX Status - (Accounts Receivable)
F70 - PIX Bank Keys (Both Portfolios)
F71 - PIX Monitor (Accounts Receivable)
F72 - PIX Supplier Keys (Accounts Payable)
SA6 - Banks
A6_ISPB - ISPB Code (used for sending the PIX remittance - Accounts receivable via CNAB)
A6_BCOOFI - Official Bank (used for online communication)