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Speaking of document search...

Document searches display contents with the searched term; the Documents tab must be selected to filter only results of this type.

Search for documents

01. Enter the text to be searched in the search field located on the upper bar in Fluig.

A list of suggestions will appear. Users may select a word from the list or enter any other word.

02. Click on the magnifying glass to start the search.

The search results screen will be displayed with the All tab selected by default.

03. Click the Documents tab. 

This tab displays only search results related to documents, allowing the user to select actions for each document type.

A menu is available to the right of each search result containing the actions available for each document. Such actions include:

  • Metadata editing: Metadata can be edited, such as posting file, comments, tags, version/review description, maturity date, related documents, approval, and security. For more information, see Document properties.
  • Content editing: The document’s contents may be edited. For more information, see Edit document content.
  • Download: Allows downloading the document.
  • Go to folder: Directs to the folder in which the document was attached.
  • Delete: Deletes the document.
  • Follow upreceive notifications whenever the documents are modified.

Add filter

01. Go to the search result, as displayed in the Search for documents item.

02. In the search results displayed, new filters can be added to search results by selecting the Filter option. 

The filter area will be expanded and document filters are displayed. Available document filters are:

  • Filter by period: The following filters can be chosen: last hour, last day, last week, last month, last year, and specify a start and end date.
  • Basic filters: Searching in Fluig folders or selecting a specific file type. These types can be: Files, folders, Clauses, reports or external links.
  • Filters by metadata: Allows searching for document metadata. Available search fields: Publisher, Version description, Additional comments, Description, Author, Hash tags, Creation date, and Update date.
  • Filters by customized fields: Allows searching customized field values.

03. Select the desired filter(s) and click on Filter.

All search results are organized by relevance. Results may be organized by newer or older. For such, select the check box in the upper right corner of the search results screen and select an option.

If the search does not return a specific document, it may be necessary to index the documents. To do so, follow the steps in the Indexing documents item, in the Indexation. The indexing process may take a while, depending on the number of documents to be indexed. Before running a new test, also clear the browser cache.

Sort search results

01. Go to the search result, as displayed in the Search for documents item.

02. In the displayed result, sort as desired.

Available sorting options are:

  • Sort by Relevance: Determines that favorite documents will be displayed first;
  • Sort by Most Recent: Determines that documents will be displayed by descending creation date, i.e., the most recently created will be shown first;
  • Sort by Oldest: Determines that documents will be displayed by ascending creation date increasingly, i.e., the oldest will be shown first.

Download all the contents of a folder displayed in the search result

01. Go to the search result, as displayed in the Search for documents item.

02. Find the folder displayed in the search result.

03. Click on the context menu located on the bottom-right side of the line corresponding to the folder.

04. Click on Download.

05. In the message displayed, click on Ok, I get it.

When the download of a folder is requested, its entire contents are downloaded, including subfolders and their contents. If the authenticated user does not have permission to download one or more of the documents in the folder, they will not be in the document package generated. The same happens for any documents that do not allow download, they also will not be in the generated package.

For more information, see Download folder or document.

View folder or document

01. Go to the search result, as displayed in the Search for documents item.

02. Click on the desired document or folder description.

If the item chosen is a folder, the document structure will be opened in the folder chosen.

If the item chosen is a document, a screen is open for Document view,

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.