Personnel Management processes the payroll calculation of all professional categories. Use this routine to calculate payroll, etc., in accordance with the procedure selected.

To calculate the payroll, you must perform several checking processes and calculations, including:

The Microsiga Protheus® system uses the following processes to generate payroll:


To calculate the payroll:

1. Before accessing the routine, check the following information:

2. When clicking Payroll Calculation, the system displays a descriptive window of the routine.

3. Click Parameters to configure payroll calculation and inform them according to field help instructions, paying special attention to the following:

In these parameters, enter interval of dates defining period to be considered to consider tasks performed by employee pieceworker or teacher in the calculation.

Select Yes to take into account the complement of the year-end bonus in the calculation. Otherwise, click No.

4. Fill out, check and confirm the parameters.

The system returns to the description window.

5. Confirm.

The system displays the message of confirmation to make the calculation. Click: Yes or No.

6. If confirmed, the system starts the payroll calculation process.


  • Due to the volume of data and amount of calculations made, this process can be long.
  • For performance gain in calculation of first installment of year-end bonus, using Multi-Processing Technology (GRID), parameters MV_GRID and MV_REGGRID.

At the end of the calculation process, a log is issued, informing processing time of routine and inconsistencies found during its execution. Messages issued in the process can be changed by Formula Register.

GRID is automatically activated in calculation of 1st installment of year-end bonus,if it already is configured in the Payroll Calculation Provision Calculation.

7. Once you calculate the payroll, the system starts the processes of generation and issuance of legal document, including payment statement (payment slip), also available in Online HR, where employees themselves can view it and/or issue it as long as parameter MV_TCF013A is duly configured.

RM Integration:

This routine features integration with RM Classis Net.

For technical details on Use and Implementation, Synchronism of Tables among Basis and Parameterization for Generation, query Manual of Integration Protheus x Classis, available at TDN Portal.

Also check the information about Education Management.