The payroll item register is one of the most important so the several calculations of the System are executed. Without it, even if the calculation values are generated, there is no way no display them. Therefore, it is highly important all mandatory identifiers to be registered, paying special attention to the incidences, as they define the assemble of the base for several calculation of payments and discounts.

In the payroll items register, the payments, discounts and calculation bases are stored and generated by the system or manually entered. The payroll items used to display the payments and discounts per month in the several reports of the system, as well as, to meet labor legislation.

Basically, the payroll items are divides in:

Provisions – are positive payroll items, that is, paid payroll items to employees.

Discounts – are negative payroll items, discounted from employees.

Provision Base – are positive payroll items used as reference for the calculation of other provision payroll items.

Discount Base – are negative payroll items used as reference for the calculation of other discount payroll items.

Therefore, when the System calculates the Income Tax (for instance), the first step is to assemble the base, adding all provision payroll items with Income Tax (this incidence is defined based on this register), and by subtracting all payroll items of discounts with incidence for Income Tax.

The payroll items are automatically calculated by the System that identify them through the Calculation Identifier field, so the calculation identifiers that define what is a payroll item, that is, whether it is a payment, a discount etc.

The payroll items defined with identifiers are generated by the System through the several calculation available in the Personnel Management environment (Prepayment, Payroll, Vacation, Termination, Year-End Bonus etc) and stored in the respective tables, so, after the monthly closing, they are carried for annual transaction table (SRD).

This file, therefore, has all employee history related to the values receipt or discounted that are used in several routines of the System, as: financial form, reports for simple query and even to meet labor/social security mandatory.

The payroll items register is divided in records, as follows:


In this folder, the payroll items generic data are defined. The main fields are:

Code: Enter the payroll item code that is the reference for the events generated in the transaction of the employee calculation. This code must be numeric.

Description: Enter a text that describes the payroll item created so it is printed in the receipts and other reports of the System.

Code Type: Enter the type of payroll item that is being registered: Provision, Discount, Provision Base or Discount Base.

Percentage: Enter the discount percentage of payroll item payment.

Corresponding Code: Enter the corresponding payroll item code to be generated by the calculation whenever there is main payroll item generation.


Original Payroll Item = Code 100

Corresponding Payroll Item = Code 400

In the payroll processing, when finding a payroll code 100, a payroll code 400 is automatically generated, with the same value, as a counterpart.

Calculation Identifier: Enter the code of the calculation identifier to which the payroll item refers to.

Payroll Item Type: Enter whether the payroll item type that is paid or discounted of the employee is in: Days, Hours or Value.

Mandatory Payment: Enter Yes so the provision payroll item is added to the net value when there is balance insufficiency.

Amount of Entries: Enter the number of entries this payroll item can have (Minimum 1, Maximum 9). If you enter 0 (zero), this payroll item cannot be Entered in the Monthly Transaction.

Daily Entry: Indicates if the payroll item is daily entered.


- Overtime Payroll Item: in this case, when the Daily Entry field is as Yes, the overtime can be entered several times, once for each Reference Date.

Value From: enter the minimum value that can be entered for this payroll item, in the entry routines by employee, by payroll item, future, fixed. If the entered value for the payroll item is lower than the minimum value, the entry cannot be executed.

Value To: enter the maximum value that can be entered for this payroll item, in the entry routines by employee, by payroll item, future, fixed. If the entered value for the payroll item is higher than the maximum value, the entry cannot be executed.

Reference From: enter the minimum amount that can be entered for this payroll item, in the entry routines by employee, by payroll item, future, fixed. If the amount of hours/days entered for the payroll item is lower than the minimum value, the entry cannot be executed.

Reference To: enter the maximum amount that can be entered for this payroll item, in the entry routines by employee, by payroll item, future, fixed. If the amount of hours/days entered for the payroll item is higher than the minimum value, the entry cannot be executed.

Reference Closing: Defines if, in the period closing, the System must close the payroll item by period or reference.

Next Month Payroll Item: Enter the payroll item code for the next period.


Corresponding Base Code: Enter the corresponding base payroll item that must be generated by the calculation program, whenever there is occurrence of the main payroll and it incorporates the salary if the employee is on vacation the whole month.

Consigned Loan: Select the option Yes to indicate the payroll item refers to the consigned loan, or No, otherwise.

Homolognet Association: Enter the payroll item code that is used in the Homolognet according to payroll items table available in the Ministry of Labor site. option Documentation.


The configuration of payroll items is the most important step of the Homolognet deployment, as from the payroll items values, the Homolognet System calculates the average amount for the Termination payment as well as the own Termination.

The payroll items with the same payroll items are cumulatively indicated to Homolognet.


In the same receipt, there are two types of bonuses paid to the employee, Bonus by External Sales and Bonus by Attendance, in the System, there are two different payroll items, but, for the Homolognet, it is the same Payroll Item: 008-Bonus.

The payroll items that are entered one or more times in the same month for the same employee are:

o004 – Overtime: What makes the difference is the percentage of each one.

o003 – Production: What makes the difference is the type of product made by the employee.

Payroll Items of value type: For payroll items with payroll items below, only the value calculated in the receipt are entered in the Homolognet.

o001 – Fixed Salary (automatically saved by the System, you do not need to configure any payroll item with this Payroll Item)

o002 – Warranty

o006 – Percentage

o007 – Commission

o008 – Bonuses

o009 – Penalty Art. 477

o010 – Trips

o011 – Tips

o017 – Bonus

o020 – Family salary in the amount exceeding the mandatory value

o021 – Bonus or vacation bonus, as long as exceeding the salary twenty days, granted due to contract clause, with company regulation, agreement or collective agreement.

o022 – Daily Fees for trip, by its global value, when exceeding fifty per cent of the employee compensation, as long as there is no rendering of accounts in the expense total.

o023 – Allowance Art. 470/CLT

o024 – Stages, in case of maritime

o025 – Compensated bonus leave

o026 – Cash Break

o027 – PLR

o028 – Compensation receipt as dismissal incentive

o029 – Apprenticeship grant

o030 – Bonus disassociated to the salary

o031 – Eventual income disassociated to the salary

o032 – Childcare reimburse in accordance with labor legislation

o033 – Babysitter reimburse in accordance with labor and social security legislation

o034 – Semester Grant

o035 – Penalty Art. 476-A & 5 th CLT

Payroll Items Production type (Payroll Item 003): In the System, what comes next to a compensation by production is the tasks control, when finding these payroll items with this payroll item, the program considers the payroll item unitary value, for Homolognet is equal to Calculation Base and also the amount of the executed tasks.

Payroll Items Overtime type (Payroll Item 004): For payroll item with Overtime Payroll Item, the amount of overtime and its percentage are considered.

Payroll Items Worked Hours type in the month (Payroll Items 005): For the payroll item with Payroll Item, the program considers the amount of the receipt hours.

Payroll Items of Shift Premium, Stand by Working Hours and Readiness type (Payroll Item 012, 015 and 016): For payroll item with this payroll item, the amount of hours and percentage are taken.

Payroll Items Insalubrity, Dangerously, Additional by Transfer type (Payroll Item 013, 014 and 019): For payroll items with this Payroll Item type, it is taken for the Calculation Base file used when the receipt was processed and the payroll item percentage.

Payroll Item Additional by service length type (Payroll Item 018): All payroll items Additional type by service length have accrued percentage for the Homolognet generation, for instance: One-year period 30% and two-year period 40%, the percentage of 70% is taken to Homolognet. Besides the percentage, the calculation base used in the calculation period is taken.

Payroll Items Number of Worked Days type (Payroll Items 035): Saved only for employees with Fixed Salary type = 3-Daily. Amount of receipt hours taken to Homolognet .

Payroll Items without Payroll items registered: Payroll items without Payroll Item are considered for the Homolognet System as External Payroll Items, that is, payroll item not estimated by M.T.E., in this case, the value displayed on the receipt is sent to Homolognet file.

Payroll Items/Discount without Payroll Items registered in the Termination and Discounts month:




Balance of Salaries, Prior Notice, Vacation, INSS, IRRF

oTo run this control in the termination month, the payroll items with the following identifiers are not considered by the program as Payroll Items/External Discounts:

0034 - Family Salary

0035 – PWR Overtime

0048 – Balance of Salary

0064 – INSS

0066 – Income Tax

0067 – Income Tax without Vacation

0070 – Year-End Bonus INSS

0071 – Year-End Bonus Income Tax

0072 – Vacation Payment

0077 – 1/3 Bonus on Vacation

0086 – Compensated Vacation

0087 – Proportional Vacation

0111 – Compensated Prior Notice

0112 – Notice Period Worked

0113 – Notice Period Discounted

0114 - Year-end bonus in Termination Indemnity

0115 – Year-end bonus on Prior Notice

0122 - PWR on Termination Commissions

0125 - 1/3 Vacation Termination

0126 - Net paid in Termination

0166 - PWR on Commissions

0224 - Double Vacation

0226 - 1/3 Double Vacation

0230 - Vacation without Compensated Prior Notice

0231 - 1/3 Vacation on Compensated Notice Period

0248 - Average Due Vacation Termination

0249 - Average Proportional Vacation Termination

0250 - Average Prior Notice Termination

0251 - Average Year-End Bonus Termination

0252 - Average Vacation on Compensated Prior Notice

0253 – Average Year-end bonus Salary on Compensated Prior Notice Termination

0328 – Vacation Compensation in termination

0430 - PWR Compensated for dismissal on Friday

0925 – Double Vacation Termination

0926 – 1/3 Double Vacation in Termination

oFor the generation of payroll items in the dismissal month, the provision generated in SRR are considered, some Payroll Items must be entered with full value of the month, following the METHODOLOGY NOTE 001/2008, as the Homolognet System executes the proportional calculation to the days actually worked.

In relation to the Payroll Items that must be entered by monthly full value (full month), the Homolognet executes the termination calculation in proportion to the values to the days actually worked (until the dismissal date).

oTo generate the receipt with full value, consider what is saved in the SRR with the number of worked days and generate the full value.



Data defining which payroll item is levied on, that is, if income tax, alimony etc levy on this payroll item.

The main fields of this folder to be observed are the following:


INSS: Defines whether payroll items are used to compose the INSS calculation base. If the payroll item is provision, it is sum to the calculation base, if it is discount, it is subtract from the calculation base.

Vacation INSS: Enter: Yes if the value in this payroll item is part of the Vacation INSS calculation base or No, if the value is not considered.

Income Tax: Defines whether payroll items are used to compose the Income Tax calculation base. If the payroll item is provision, it is sum to the calculation base, if it is discount, it is subtract from the calculation base.

FGTS: Defines whether payroll items are used to compose the FGTS calculation base. If the payroll item is provision, it is sum to the calculation base, if it is discount, it is subtract from the calculation base.

Hazardousness: Select Yes to use the value of this payment in the hazardousness calculation base, or select No, otherwise.

The hazardousness additional is a value due to employees exposed to hazardous activities, as determined by regulation approved by the Ministry of Labor. Hazardous activities and operations are the ones here the nature of their methods include contact with flammable or explosive substances, radioactive substances or ionizing radiation, or electric power in accentuated risk condition.

The hazardous additional value, CLT standards, is the employee salary plus 30% without additions from bonuses.

In the system, the customer chooses to calculated the register salary or register salary plus payroll items configured as Y-Yes for hazardousness. Definition of hazardousness calculation is executed by Union Register.

Insalubrity: Select Yes to use the value present in this payment in the insalubrity calculation basis, or select No, for the opposite.

The insalubrity additional is a value owed to the employee executing unhealthy or dangerous activities, in order to mitigate the impact of these activities in the employee health.

As insalubrity is proved, the Ministry of Labor expert indicates the owed additional value according to art. 192, from CLT: 10% (minimum level), 20% (average level) or 40% (maximum level).

Note: Work performed in unhealthy environments ensures to the employee an additional value of 30% on the salary without additions from bonuses. If through inspection, the activity is considered concurrently unhealthy and dangerous, the employees under these conditions can choose whether to receive the most favorable additional value to the condition - but they cannot receive both additional value cumulatively.

In the System, the customer may choose to calculate by register salary or by the register salary plus the payroll items configured with Y –Yes for insalubrity. The insalubrity calculation definition is executed by the Union Register

The insalubrity base value can be on the minimum salary or register salary.

Length of Service Bonus: Select Yes to use this payment in calculation basis of length of service pay, or select No for the opposite.

One-Year Period: Value paid to each worked year. The paid value can be a fixed value or a percentage on the base salary or determined payroll items.

Two-Year Period: Value paid at every two worked years. The paid value can be a fixed value or a percentage on the base salary or determined payroll items.

Three-Year Period: Value paid at every three worked years. The paid value can be a fixed value or a percentage on the base salary or determined payroll items.

Four-Year Period: Value paid at every four worked years. The paid value can be a fixed value or a percentage on the base salary or determined payroll items.

Five-year Period: Value paid at every five worked years. The paid value can be a fixed value or a percentage on the base salary or determined payroll items.

Union Dues: Select Yes to use this payroll item in calculation base of union dues, or select No, otherwise.

Family Allowance: Select Yes to use this payroll item in calculation base of the family salary or No, otherwise.

INSS Deduction Form: Select the option Yes to define this payroll item value to be deducted from the INSS Form or No, otherwise.

PIS: Select the option Yes to define this payroll item value to be used in the composition of the PIS calculation base or No, otherwise.


This field does not handle the PIS payment to the employees.


Teacher's Paid Weekly Rest: This field is used only for Teacher category.

Select Yes to define whether this payroll item is used in the base composition on which the PWR is calculated for teachers or No, otherwise.

Activity Hours: This field is used only for Teacher category.

Select Yes to define whether this payroll item is used in the base composition on which the activity hours are calculated for teachers or No, otherwise.

RRA: Select the option Yes to define this payroll item value is used for the calculation of the Accrued Receipt Revenues (RRA), or No, otherwise.

PWR Payroll Item: The payroll item is entered for the Paid-Weekly Rest (PWR) payment in this field.

Calculation Base: Enter whether the calculation of this payroll item is based on the base salary (registration) or in the incorporated salary. If not entered, the calculation is based on the register salary.


For a calculation base payroll item, for instance: Compensated Prior Notice and Incorporated Salary, the additional payroll items (Hazardousness, Insalubrity, Additional by Service Length, Trust Additional and Transfer Additional) must have Incorporated Salary fields as No, so their values are not in duplicity in the calculation, as, when they incorporate the salary, they are added to the base salary value.


Incorporate Salary: Enter Yes to define whether the payroll item value is incorporated to the base salary or No, otherwise.


Base Salary = R$ 1.000,00

Payroll Item        = R$ 120,00

If Yes -> Base salary + payroll item = R$ 1.000,00 + R$ 120,00 = Payroll item incorporated to the salary = R$ 1.120,00

If No -> Base Salary = R$ 1.000,00

Refers to Year-end bonus: Enter Yes to define whether payroll items are used in the Year-end bonus calculation or No, otherwise.

Refers to vacation: Enter Yes to define whether payroll items are used in the Vacation calculation or No, otherwise.

Refers to Prepayment: Enter Yes to define whether payroll items are used in the Prepayment calculation or No, otherwise.

Alimony: Defines whether payroll items are used to compose the alimony calculation base. If the payroll item is provision, it is sum to the calculation base, if it is discount, it is subtract from the calculation base.

PWR Overtime: Select Yes so this payroll item value is used in the PWR calculation base on overtime and additional amounts, or No, otherwise.

Overtime: This field enables you to define the payroll items that are used to pay overtime. Select the option Yes to indicate the payroll item refers to the overtime, or No, otherwise.



After defining the payroll items that are used to pay overtime, register the Factors for Overtime in Tables Maintenance routine.


Life Insurance: Select Yes to use this payment in calculation basis of length of service pay, or select No, otherwise.

Task Code:

Aggregates Cost: Select Yes to define this payroll item is considered as employee cost in the calculation of the cost performed in the projects annotation (when integration between a Projects Management Resources register and Employee Register).


This field is used in the integration between the Personnel Management (GPE) and PMS – Project Management System projects.


Resettlement Code: This field links the resettlement payroll item to its corresponding tax.



Employment National Fund (FNE): Meets the Employment National Fun legislation. It is a contribution established as mandatory by Law 24013, chapter VII, Title IV, Article 120 and ruled by Decree 814/01, Article 2.

In this case, indicate the payroll items that fall upon FNE by selecting YES.

For the System to calculate this contribution in the payroll and year end bonus calculation scripts, after setting of incidences in Tables Maintenance, the tables: S027 – FNE and S028 –ANSSES indicating the percentage related to the month and later calculating the Payroll.



Register information enabling the accounting integration with transactions of this payroll items in this folder. That is, in case of integration between the Personnel Management and Accounting environments, the procedures for entry in tax records, for instance, are automatically entered, whenever this payroll item is used.

The main fields of this folder to be observed are the following:

Cost Center Apportion: Select option defining the apportion method in the cost center, as follows:

oB - for the payroll items that are the base of the division for cost center apportion.

oS - for payroll items that are apportioned by cost center.

oN - or blank not to apportion.

Cost: Select option defining the provision cost when this payroll item is used, as follows:

oS – for payroll items that are added to the simplified provision cost in the payroll summary.

oN – or blank not to add to provision cost.

Standard Entry: Select the standard entry desired to define the accounting rule of the entries executed with this payroll item, according to the standard entry register.


The Personnel Management environment must only use the entries with codes between A01 and Z99.


PCO Entry: Enter the integration code with Planning and Budgetary Control environment.


In this folder, you define the average the payroll item in register uses:

Year-end bonus Average: Defines whether the payroll item is used for payment of year-end bonus average.

If used, the system uses either January of the current year as the initial month or the month of hiring when the employee has been hired in the current year.


If the MV_M13ANOC parameter is activated, the system considers the payroll items for Year-end bonus averages by extrapolating the current year, that is, allowing values to be taken from the previous year.


If parameter MV_M13ANOC is configured with 2 (No), and the number of months for average is entered in the fields Months Average 1st Period, or Months Average 2nd Period, or Months Average 3rd Period or Months Average 4th Period (Average Folder of union register), and if the following situation occurs:

o If there is a termination in February/2014 and the last six months have been defined for averaging in a specific payroll item (defined in this field), the System finds the payroll items for averaging in January/2014, December/2013, November/2013, October/2013, September/2013 and August/2013.




The default content of parameter MV_M13ANOC is 1 (Sim), so the System only considers the current year payroll items.


The budgets configured as Y (period average or union parameter) for calculating year-end bonus average (Year-End Bonus Average (RV_MED13), field in the Averages folder) are only not affected by this parameter if there is a number of months for averaging indicated in the Union File.


Vacation Average: This field defines whether the payroll item is used to pay the vacation average payment. If you select SP (period average) orS (period average or union parameter), and as long as there is no average indication in the Unions register, the System considers for vacation average, in the Vacation Calculation, the months indicated in the parameter MV_NMESPER.

This parameter is not considered for payroll items with the number of months indicated in this field, prevailing the standard calculation.

Prior Notice Average: Defines whether the payroll item is used for payment of Termination prior notice.

If it is configured as Yes or No, and as long as there is no average indication in the Unions register, the System considers for Vacation average in Calculation of prior notice.

Payroll items Grouping Code: Select the payroll item code where the values are grouped for average calculation. If not defined, the own payroll item is considered for average.

Collective Agreement: Select Yes so this payroll item is used in calculation base for the Collective Agreement, or No, otherwise.

Adjustment Average: Select Yes to define this payroll item is adjusted through the S039 – Economic Indicatortable or No, otherwise.


Data from the payroll items related to the annual calculation, paid once a year, are stored in this folder:

RAIS: Select option defining whether the payroll item used for RAIS - Annual List of Social Information in this field.

DIRF: Select option defining whether the payroll item used for DIRF - Income Tax Statement. Each payroll item can be filled out with letters and numbers corresponding to the levies.


Retroactive Labor Agreement

Define whether the payroll item in register has retroactive labor agreement in this folder:

Retroactive Labor Agreement: Select Yes to define that, the retroactive labor agreement levies on this payroll item, so it is considered in the Retroactive Labor Agreement calculation or No, otherwise.

Payroll Item for Labor Agreement: Enter the payroll item code used for retroactive labor agreement payment.

Other Information

Define whether the payroll item in register has other types of definition in this folder: The main fields of this folder are:

Filter Expression: The Filter Expression field enables the association or the accumulation of other payroll items to the primary payroll item that is in register or change, the payroll items part of the calculation base are indicated.

Payroll Item Group: Define the grouping code this payroll item belongs to in this field.

Vacation Difference Payroll Item: Enter the payroll item code where the calculated vacation differences are saved. Enter this field for all vacation payroll items the differences must be calculated.


Fields related to eSocial are in this folder:

Nature: Enter the Payroll Items Nature field according to Payroll Items Nature (S047) and fields related to the levies.

After entering the Payroll Items Nature code (RV_NATUREZ), the fields of subsequent levies are automatically completed for some payroll items, according to the calculation identifier and the their levies.

IRRF Levy Code: Payroll item tax levy code on IRRF according to eSocial.

The IRRF levy codes available for completion of field are:

00 - Not a Calculation Base.

11 - IRRF Calculation Base.

12 - IRRF Calculation Base - Year-End Bonus.

13 - IRRF Calculation Base - Vacation.

14 - IRRF Calculation Base - PLR.

31 - IRRF Value.

32 - IRRF Value Year-End Bonus.

33 - IRRF Value - Vacation.

34 - IRRF Value - PLR.

91 - Levy suspended due to legal decision (IRRF BC).

92 - Levy suspended due to legal decision (Year-End Bonus IRRF BC).

93 - Levy suspended due to legal decision (Vacation IRRF BC).

94 - Levy suspended due to legal decision (Vacation PLR IRRF BC).

FGTS Levy Code: Indicates the payroll item tax levy code for FGTS used in eSocial.

The FGTS levy codes available for completion of field are:

00 - Not a FGTS Calculation Base.

11 - FGTS Calculation Base.

91 - Levy suspended due to legal decision.

Union Levy Code: Indicates the payroll item tax levy code on Social Security used in eSocial.

The Union levy codes available for completion of field are:

00 - Not a Calculation Base.

11 – Calculation Base.

31 - Union contribution value discounted.

91 - Levy suspended due to legal decision.

Social Security Contribution Levy Code: Indicates the payroll item tax levy code on Social Security used in eSocial.

Codes available of Social Security levy for completion of field are:

00 - Not a Calculation Base.

11 - Monthly Contribution Salary Calculation Base.

12 - Social Security Contribution Calculation Base on Year-End Bonus.

21 - Social Security Contribution Calculation Base on Maternity Allowance.

22 - Social Security Calculation Base Maternity Allowance Year-End Bonus.

31 - Contribution Discounted from the Insured.

32 - Contribution Discounted from the Insured Year-End Bonus.

33 - Contribution Discounted from the Insured - SEST.

34 - Contribution Discounted from the Insured - SENAT.

51 - Family-Salary.

91 - Levy suspended due to legal decision (BC Contribution INSS).

92 - Levy suspended due to legal decision (Year-End Bonus INSS BC Contribution).


Block of Entries

Fields related to entries are in this folder:

Employees: Select the option Yes to indicate that, for this payroll item, you can execute Entries per Employee or Entries per Payroll Item, or No, otherwise.

Future: Select the option Yes to indicate that, for this payroll item, you can execute Future Entries, or No, otherwise.

Absence: Select the option Yes to indicate that, for this payroll item, you can execute Absence Entries, or No, otherwise.

Beneficiaries: Select the option Yes to indicate that, for this payroll item, you can execute Beneficiaries Register, or No, otherwise.

Fixed: Select the option Yes to indicate that, for this payroll item, you can execute Fixed Entries, or No, otherwise.


Registering Payroll Items:

1.In Payroll Items select Add.

2.Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3.Check information and confirm it.










SRV – Payroll Item Register.

RCN – Calculation Identifiers.

SRC - Monthly Transactions.

SRR - Vacation and Termination Items.

RCM – Absence Types

See Also

Union Register

Table Maintenance

Integration Single Message HR