Electronic Invoice

To fulfill the legislation regarding Electronic Invoice, new features have been implemented in Microsiga Protheus® Easy Import Control module, to optimize information available in the Import Declaration, complying with the layout to send Invoice to Secretariat of Finance (SEFAZ).


New features:

1) Screen to enter information about addition and sequence of addition.

2) Generation of spreadsheet with clearance data to be sent to the broker is available only for companies not using electronic ID/DSI, once they already have all information required to generate the NF-e;

For Generation of spreadsheet with clearance data, files NFE.xla and NFE.xls must be in folder TOTVS Smart Client of the user, or SYSTEM in server;
The xls generated file is only approved for versions 2003 and 2007 of MS Office.


Entering information about Addition and Sequence of Addition.

1. In Microsiga Protheus® Easy Import Control, access Updates \ Clearance \ Maintenance and add or edit the process.
2. In Items Selection screen, click Additions.

The System displays the Enter Addition screen. This screen is divided into two parts: the upper part refers to Simulation of Additions Breaking and the lower part, to Clearance Items.

3. To automatically generate additions, click Generate Additions.

See Also

Clearance Options;

After running this routine, fields Addition and Seq. Addition are automatically filled out.



Generate Additions must be ran when fields Additions and Seq. Addition are blank for all records. To clear the content of these fields, click Clear Additions and then, Generate Additions.

4. If you need to clear the information generated, click Clear Additions.

Next, information of fields Addition and Seq. Addition are erased.

5. Additions can also be entered manually, by editing the field Addition in the upper part of the screen. Thus fields Addition and Seq. Addition of items in the lower part of the screen are automatically filled out.
6. If information in fields Addition and Seq. Addition, in clearance items, is different from the information displayed by SISCOMEX or Broker, you can edit these fields manually.
7. In Generate Inflow Invoice: Updates \ Clearance \ Recei. Import, whenever generating any kind of invoice (First, Single or Complementary) and click Items. The System displays the new columns Addition, Seq. Addition and Group.


Generating the spreadsheet with clearance items to be Filled by the Broker.

1. In Microsiga Protheus® Easy Import Control, access Updates \ Clearance \ Maintenance, select a process and click Export.xls.
2. If there are items in the clearance with additions and sequence of addition information filled out, the System displays the message: There are items with additions, do you want to generate spreadsheet?
3. Click Yes and fill out the fields according with the following:



File Name

Name of the process selected to be exported.


Enter the directory name where the file generated is saved.


Enter the sender's e-mail (the system suggests the user's e-mail registered in the configurator).

Broker's E-mail

Enter the broker's e-mail


Enter the e-mail to receive a copy


Enter the subject


To ensure that e-mails are sent, the following parameters must be properly configured.




Name of the e-mail server


Account to be used when sending e-mails.


E-mail account password


Indicates if the e-mail server requires authentication

4. When confirming the e-mail Parameters screen, the System a message that the file was successfully generated. Click OK.
5. The System displays the confirmation messages for sending the file to the e-mails entered previously.

Click Yes and check if the file was generated in the directory indicated.

6. The broker receives the spreadsheet by e-mail and fill out the blank fields according to the information registered in Siscomex.

Next, the broker returns the spreadsheet by e-mail, so you can import the data entered in the corresponding Clearance.


Importing the spreadsheet with the ID data filled out by the broker:

1. In Microsiga Protheus® Easy Import Control, access Updates \ Clearance \ Maintenance.
2. Select the process and click Import.xls.
3. Enter the part (directory) in which the spreadsheet returned by the Broker was stored.
4. Click OK to confirm. The System displays the spreadsheet information in the screen Data from XLS, in three distinct situations:





No errors found while importing/validating spreadsheet data.

Use Caption to check the process Status.
Return to the screen Data from XLS and click OK. The System displays a message asking if you want to update the spreadsheet data.
Click Yes to import data.


Warnings found while importing/validating spreadsheet data.

a. Use Caption to check the process Status.
b. To check the warning, double-click the process. The System displays the Non-conformity screen.
c. Use Caption to check the alert Status.
d. In this situation, validation found discrepancies between the clearance data and data sent by the broker. However, the system allows to import data. When you confirm it, the System displays a message asking if you want to update the base with the spreadsheet data.
e. Click Yes to import data.


Errors found while importing/validating spreadsheet data.

a. Use Caption to check the process Status.
b. To check the warning, double-click the process. The System displays the Non-conformity screen.
c. Use Caption to check the alert Status.
d. In this situation, validation found problems that do not allow to import data. In this case, you need to resend the spreadsheet to the Broker to correct data. As soon as the broker returns the spreadsheet corrected, it must be imported again.


Integrating the Inflow Invoice:

1. In Easy Import Control module, access Miscellaneous \ Invoice \ Inflow Invoice.
2. The column ICMS Tax Base Reduction % was added to the Invoice Cover Sheet.
3. Columns regarding the new fields integrated were added in the Invoice Items screen.
Validating new fields:

If the ID number is filled out and the Addition number is blank, the following message is displayed: Addition number not informed for the item:Item code.

If the ID number is filled out and the Sequence of Addition number is blank, the following message is displayed: Sequence within the addition not informed for the item: Item code.

4. Access the path: Updates \ Recei. Import \ First or Single.
5. Columns regarding the new fields integrated for checking were added in the Invoice Items screen.
Invoice number control

Three new parameters were created to treat Invoice number, comprising the following 2 cases:

a. The Invoice number sent by the Broker is considered:

In this case, just activate parameter MV_NFEDESP so the invoice number sent by the broker is recorded in the corresponding tables.

b. Invoice number is automatically generated in the integration:

In this case, parameter MV_NFEDESP must be disabled, so the number sent by the broker is considered.

The new parameter MV_SER_NFE must contain the Invoice Series.Thus the System lookup within this series which is the next number to use.


Even if the System generates invoice numbers automatically, the broker must keep sending the number, even fictitious, in order to bin the invoice items to the cover sheet.

6. For example, if the broker sends a invoice number that is not considered by the System, through the series entered in the new parameter, the System generates the next invoice number.

Parameter MV_REAPNNF indicates if the number of an integrated invoice, reversed later, must be reused in a new integration.

This situation occurs when the broker sends an invoice, the System generates an automatic number and the invoice is sent to and rejected by SEFAZ. In this case, the invoice must be reversed in Easy Import Control, and at this moment, a message is displayed, asking if the invoice has been rejected by SEFAZ.

If Yes, the number and type are stored to be used in a new integration for this process, avoiding generating a new number for the same process.

If no number is stored for use, the System generates the number automatically.


Integrating the Broker Expenses:

1. In Easy Import Control module, access Miscellaneous \ Integration \ Broker Expenses.
2. Columns Location Description and Clearance State were added in the Broker Expenses screen.
Validating new fields:

If the ID number is filled out in the Clearance or in the TXT and the Clearance location is blank, the following message is displayed: Clearance location not informed.

If the ID number is filled out in the Clearance or in the TXT and the Clearance State is blank (invalid), the following messages are displayed: Clearance location not informed or Invalid Clearance State: XX respectively.

3. Access Updates \ Clearance \ Maintenance.
4. In the clearance cover sheet, field Clearance State was added and field Location Desc. is enabled for edition. Thus when you enter the Local Code, these fields are automatically filled out with the Location Description and State.

See Also

Export Electronic Invoice Data