Integrating Copyright Control module with Management Accounting

The integration of Copyright Control and Management Accounting modules occurs through the creation of bills in Financial module, as follows:

1. When you add a copyright advance to an author, the system allows to issue an advance payment bill, in the Financial module, based on the advance value.
2. The system features the option to generate bills payable in the Financial module when running Monthly Closing routine, whenever copyright values to be paid to the author exist.
3. With bills created in the Financial module, you can use the off-line accounting function in the Financial module. A second option is to enable on-line accounting in Accounts Payable. Thus when a advance is entered or a closing operating is ran, the accounting window is displayed.


Accounting of bills uses standard entries from Accounts Payable. Therefore, they must be registered in the Management Accounting module.


1. In the Copyright Control module, option Advances, select option 1=Yes for field Generate Bill.
2. After confirming the advance, a window is displayed with the number of the bill generated.
3. When you click OK, a new screen is displayed to select the bill type, origin and payment term. By default, title type is PA (advance payment), for this is an advance.
4. When you confirm the parameters screen, advances and bills are added.
5. When you run Monthly Closing, the routine explanation screen is displayed.
6. After confirming it, a parameters screen is displayed to define:
Type of bill to be created. The standard is DP (trade note payable) because it concerns the copyright value to be paid;
Bill Origin;
Closing date;
Generate financial bill. For this process, this question must be set to Yes.
7. As in the advance, a screen is also displayed in monthly closing with the bill number.
8. In the Financial module, check the bills generated by CDA. A characteristic of these bills is the content of field E2_ORIGEM, in which CDAA020 for advances and CDAA040 for copyright payments. The accounting is processed in the financial module. Note that the standard entries of Accounts Payable must be registered.