Third Party Assets

This routine classifies the mode of third party assets assignment of use as:

Assignment of use rights
Lease of assets
Permit of assets use


You are able to link documents related to the above subjects through knowledge base.

Pre requirements

Before running the control of third party assets, register it in Assets and detail the asset to be controlled by a third party through admin-IN-316fd0ae-5f3c-4db9-ac26-cbdf4ff8a7d1-1507579308097-126da150-7c3e-4b34-9c61-0a9f0f881cb4.


To control third party assets:

1. In Third Party Assets, click Relational Actions.
2. Select the option desired.
3. Enter data according to the field helps instructions.
4. Check data and confirm it.

Relational Actions

View Data

It displays data from the third party control for viewing.

View Assets

It displays data from fixed asset form for viewing.

Update Data

It changes and updates data from the sequence row of active validity in third party file.

Renew Data

It renews the assets data of the third party control. It generates a new sequence row of active validity finishing the previous one.

Transfer Control

It transfers assets and finishes the third party assets control, allowing a new registration control. The action does not change the asset status or the type of control classification configured.

Delete Data

It deletes a third party asset. This action can only be performed when the asset does not have any movement such as: depreciation calculation or if it is not blocked.

While performing this action, the asset has its status changed into blocked, not allowing any type of calculation or adjustment.

Post Assets

It writes off the third party asset, in case of Lease, Loan and Assignment Termination.


it issues a list of assets under third party control displaying: assets cadastral data, current asset value position, withheld third party assets data and validity sequence data.


It allows linking documents related to third party assets assignment of use.

See also

Third Party Assets Statement