Block/Unblock Assets

In the asset inclusion, by means of field confluencepage-42da16e5-d1f3-42d6-a493-65ffec33a9a4 you can establish if it is in use or blocked.

Option Block/Unblock allows a sequence of assets to be blocked or unblocked.

The blockage of assets hinders them to be handled/considered by any operations of: depreciation calculation, write-off, transfer, enlargement, purchase due to transfer accelerated depreciation and reversal of depreciation calculation.


Blocking or unblocking assets by group:

1. After selecting Assets, the System displays the screen with assets registered.
2. Click Related Actions, and then Block/Unblock.

A screen with parameters to block/unblock is displayed.

3. Enter parameters, according to need.

In parameter Block/Unblock, enter action desired.

4. Check data and confirm them.

The System updates status of assets informed in parameters.