Tables Used

QAA - Users
QM2 - Instrument Register
QP7 - Tests of Measurable Products
QP8 - Tests of Products of Text Type
QP9 - Product Non-conformances
QPA - Product Group x Product Binding
QPD - IQP Factors
QPH - Individual Skip-test
QPI - Skip-test in Group
QPK - Lots x Pos
QPL - Production Order Report
QPM - Operation Report
QPQ - Values of Measurements (text)
QPR - Measurements – Generic Data
QPS - Values of Measurements – Measurable
QPT - Instruments Used in Measurements
QPU - Non-conformances
QPY - History of Individual Skip-test
QPZ - History of Skip-test in Group
QQ1 - Product Instruments
QQ2 - Operation Traceability
QQG - Traceability of Products x Operation
QQK - Operations
SB1 - Product Generic Description
SC2 - Production Orders
SD4 - Allocated Requests
SG2 - Operations
SRA - Employees
QPL - Production Order Report