
Microsiga Protheus® has a table file (SX5) which allows for the standardization of some information used by the system. To add, modify or delete items from the tables, use the Configurator environment.

Tables are identified by codes and list the data a given field may contain.

To access these tables in the respective fields while the module is in operation, just place the cursor on the desired field and hit [F3].

Fields linked to tables are identified by the query option to their right. Click it and the table is displayed.

If this table is empty, it means that data have not been registered yet. Access the Configurator environment to update it.

The Recruitment and Selection module uses the following tables:




R0 - Factor Types

It lists the factor types you can use in some calculations.


001 – Career Length


R1 - Field of Activity

It lists applicant fields of activity.


001 – Technique


R2 - Test Topics

It lists the test topics that can be made by applicants.


001 – Quality


R3 - Résumé Status

It lists the status of the applicant in the company.


001 – Available

002 – Hired

FUN - Employee


R4 - Medium Sent (Résumé)

It lists the medium through which the résumé was sent to the company.


001 – Internet


RJ - Question Types

It lists the type of application. Three items are already registered:

001 - General
002 - Recruitment
003 - Training
AVA - Training Evaluation
EFI - Effectiveness Evaluation


RL - Question Difficulty Level

It lists question difficulty levels within a given type. Three items are already registered:

01 - Easy
02 - Average
03 - Difficult