Check out the new features available in fluig 1.5.9 update:


More details about errors in requests

An error may occur when moving a request for several reasons. Many times, figuring what has caused such error may take a long time.

In order to ease the access to technical information that led to the error, you can now view its technical details on the process error screen. In order to do this, just click the View details option on the error message.

This feature, as well as helping you - fluig administrator - to know what happened, also helps our fluig service to isolate what happened. Therefore, remember to include technical data when opening your ticket.

Option for showing more details for the inconsistency

Request viewing in a new tab

Do you like tabs? Want to view a series of requests at once? Now, in the request query, a new browser tab will open when you press the CTRL key and click on the request you want to query. With this, you can check a series of requests much faster.

Extra confidence and security for complex integrations in processes

"Trust and security must come from the software." (Jeff Dean, Google). With that in mind, a new service task with automated execution was made available.

With this task, you can perform complex integrations without compromising the performance of tasks executed by its users.

Even in integrations with more complicated scalabilities, it is possible to schedule a higher number of attempts to get the information integrated. In case of failures in all these attempts, an error flow can forward the request to an activity in which an external system expert will take action to solve the problem. Once the problems with the external system are solved, the organization flow can follow its normal course without the need to cancel requests or perform any other maintenance in the fluig process.

Use service activities in your processes and get greater speed and stability for your integrations! 

For more information on how to use this new feature in your processes, please access asynchronous Integration via workflow processes.

More convenience when moving and viewing requests in the Task Central

Now, as you access the Task central and subsequently access the screen to move or to view a request, when returning to the Task Central, the previously configured paging is maintained, as well as the number of records per page.

This helps you to move tasks quicker without losing their locations in the Task Central, making it easier to move various activities in a sequence. 

This change does not extend to ordering in the Task Central. When performing an ordering, accessing a request moving or viewing screen and returning to the Task Central, the first page of requests will be displayed.


Learning in the new fluig!

We know how important it is to have everything intuitive, and your students and employees cannot be left out. That is why we present innovations to make learning much more fluid. 

You can view the home page, where you learn about everything you need to do, as a list or in a block, with items are separated by type: classes, training and tracks. If you are responsible for a class, you also have an exclusive session. Now you can also view the progress of each item, such as:

Students can now view a class in a much more modern and intuitive way. Keep and unify information about the class, topics, topic items and the reaction evaluation on a single screen, with access to and navigation on the class items being much simpler.

By interviewing our clients, we understood this need for being more efficient, as well as adding clear information the student expects to find, such as:

Find a discipline from the catalog quickly

Are there many items in you catalogue of course subjects and classes? Need to find a discipline quickly and easily? Now it's much easier!

Use the filter by course subjects and find what you need quickly. You can search by the subject name or abbreviation.


You can now start using integrated applications in a very simple way

We know how important it is to have your fluig integrated with your internal systems. In order to make it simpler, we offer some help in your new environment, which will be integrated with the fluig Identity at your company. After the manager associates your company to the fluig Identity, containing all the existing application information, your fluig will automatically create a page showing the widgets available for integration with other systems – centralized access, quick query and Analytics – the widgets that are known as Platform | Usage Experiences.

You can easily see how your pages in fluig can be even richer when integrated to your systems! 

Access our documentation and learn more about the user experiences that have integration with large TOTVS application.

More flexible authentication in fluig

In addition to your login, use your e-mail to authenticate yourself in fluig. That allows greater convenience to your daily activities.

In order to take advantage of this new feature, the e-mails in fluig need to be unique and configured correctly for all users. If any LDAP authentication is configured in the environment, the e-mail accounts also need to be linked correctly in LDAP.

Fluig Services Monitor

New information regarding the fluig environment is available. Now you can query information about OpenOffice, Microsoft Office and document converter in the service monitor. This information may be relevant to understand how documents are being generated through fluig.

 In the fluig Service Monitor, you can check out more details about the data available and how to use the monitor.


Widgets on fluig Mobile pages

When editing a page, you can easily identify which widgets are compatible with fluig Mobile. More agility when editing your favorite pages, making them even prettier on mobile devices.

Style Guide

Editing fields is now even more fluid

The editable fields are available in our style guide. With them, your widgets no longer need the Save button, since you can edit the information and save it on the field itself.

Access the Editable component on the style guide and get more detailed information.

"Back to top" component

Upon request, we have released another cool component in our style guide. Use the "Back to top" button on forms that have many fields in order to speed up its completion and make navigation easier, mainly in fluig Mobile.

Access the Back to top component on the style guide and get more detailed information.


New method on the Public API

Our Public API continues to grow. Now you can use the /2.0/posts/create/with/upload method to create posts with videos in communities.

What is new in documentation


This session lists some of the bugs that were fixed in this update to guarantee everything runs smoothly on your platform.