
Speaking of Configuring Widget Timeline...

The widget Timeline configuration allows it to be customized according to the preferences of the platform administrator or community moderator.

When the widget is configured to not allow the user to choose the post ordering forms, they are displayed according to the administrator's definition.

When the widget allows the user to choose the post ordering form, the available options are displayed on the top-right corner of the timeline.

If the widget is configured with the Community context, only users who have access permission to the community can view its content along the timeline. When the user does not have access to the community, the platform displays a message stating that he/she does not have permission to view the posts of the community in question.

Configure widget Timeline

01. In the editing screen of the widget Timeline, define the desired settings for it.

To access the widget edit mode, you need to edit the page on which it is located or will be inserted.

Context of the posts that are displayed in the timeline when users access platform. The available options are:
 All: when selected, it determines that the posts of all users and communities to which the user that is using the system is related will be displayed.
 Community: when selected, it determines that only the posts of the community defined as context for the widget will be displayed.
When page editing is accessed from a community by an administrator user, a community moderator, or a tenant administrator, the context configuration is not enabled for changes. It just displays the community in question.

Enter the community.
Community from which the posts will be displayed in the timeline. This field is only displayed when the context defined for the widget is Community.

Post ordering format displayed in the timeline. The available options are:
 Last posts: when selected, it determines that the last posts made will be displayed, that is, the posts are ordered by descending creation date.
 Recent posts: when selected, it determines that the posts recently created or commented will be displayed.

User can change ordering.
When checked, it determines that the user can change the post ordering formats displayed in the timeline, ordering them by the last posts created or by the posts that have been recently updated.

Continuous scrolling
When checked, it determines that the posts are displayed continuously, that is, when you get to the end of the page, the next posts to be displayed are loaded automatically. When this field is not checked, when you get to the end of the page, the button "See More" is displayed and you need to click on it to view the next existing posts.

Number of posts
Number of posts displayed in the timeline initially and at every page update, either automatically or manually — through the button "See More".

02. Click Save.

For changes in the widget configuration to be displayed to users, it is necessary to post the page on which it is located. More information about posting pages can be found at Add Page and Edit Page

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.