Páginas filhas
  • Tax record (FINA087A - SIGAFIN)


Taxes are recorded when the financial bill is posted, that is, when the tax is paid, Payment Order routine, or when the tax is collected by Miscellaneous Collections.

In this moment, via posting transactions, accounting entries providing the required information for the statements are effected:

"Declaración de pagos provisionales mensuales de IVA"

"Declaración de pagos provisionales mensuales de retenciones"


For tax estimation by job and provision in Outflow Invoice accounting, the standard entries 575 - Miscellaneous Collection Posting and 576 - Reversal of Miscellaneous Collection Posting must be used.


Depreciation control, as well as depreciation and perception of IGV (Sales General Tax), are made in the following processes:

  • Post by the Miscellaneous Collections routine:

Evaluate the 1st position of the parameter MV_AGENTE (indicates whether the company is a perception agent). It must be with N - No in order to calculate IGV perception.
The tax amount will be proportional to the amount of the posting performed in relation to the total amount of the bill, considering the tax base.

  • Cancellation of bill receivable posting

It can only be made if withholding data have not been calculated yet.
Perception receipt is issued while posting a bill receivable that has IGV perception calculated, and while adding an advance with IGV perception. In both situations, it is issued in 3 copies: Customer, Issuer, and SUNAT.


You can generate the advance bill (RA) by replacing the advance Invoice.