Páginas filhas
  • Integrate Protheus login to Active Directory

How to configure Protheus login to automatically enter the AD password


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12

Step by step:

Protheus allows integrating the Protheus user login with the AD (Active Directory) network user. Then, you can link a Protheus user to an AD user, and then Protheus will accept the login by the network user.

To configure, proceed as follows:
- Access Configurator > User > Passwords > Policy.

- On the first tab (Security Policy/Password Rules), change the option "Enable single sign-on" to Required (if you want to force Single Sign-On with AD for all users) or Optional (if you want to allow users to log in with their own Protheus user and password, or use the network user).

- In "Single Sign-on Mode", select Active Directory and click Confirm.

- Access User Registration (User > Passwords > Users).

- Click on the user, then click Change.

- On the main tab (User), click on the Active Directory tab.

- Double click under the "Domain" column and enter the network domain of your AD.

- Double click under the "User" column and enter the network user login that will be linked to this Protheus user.

- Click Confirm.

- After setting, when opening Smartclient, the domain\username will appear by default. If you type the password of this network user, it already enters the Protheus user linked to it.


Active Directory integration feature is not available when the Client is running on a Linux or Mac OSX operating system.
