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Speaking of Task scheduler...

In the Task scheduler you can set notifications to the people in charge when there are expired documents or delayed tasks. In the settings, you can determine the time and frequency of these notifications.

This feature enables the sending of e-mails to the users in charge of the tasks that are behind schedule and/or users who started the workflow requests. That way, you can ensure that the user has been informed that they have delayed tasks or that the user who started the request was informed that there are delayed tasks and who is charge of it.

In order for the activity to be considered, define the information about which users should receive the notifications (requester and/or person in charge) and also the information about "Tolerance" and "Frequency" of notifications.

In addition, you can schedule tasks to run automatically, according to the defined periodicity, such as document indexation, the recalculation of volumes, deletion of notifications, among others.

Default tasks

Some tasks are default, i.e. are automatically configured on the platform and cannot be registered in the scheduler. To learn about them, go to Default tasks.

View task schedule

01. From the main menu, click on Control panel.

02. In the tab General, press Task scheduler.

03. View all current scheduled tasks.

Add task scheduling

01. In the Task scheduler window, press Add.

02. Add the required information for the task to be scheduled.

Required information:

Description of the task scheduling.

Type of task to be scheduled. Available types:

  • Document expiration: used when there is a need to find out whether documents have already expired, if so, the documents will expire after a document expiration task is performed.
  • Request expiration: used when there is a need to check whether the expiration date for a request has already passed. If there are tasks to expire, a notification is sent to the employees that have been configured to receive the expiration notification for that process.
  • Task expiration: used when there is a need to notify users that the deadline for a workflow process activity is about to expire. If there are tasks to expire, a notification is sent to the users that have been configured to receive the expiration notification in that process.

Notify only on-the-job: Allows you to configure the receipt of notifications only during working hours, according to the already configured working hours.

  • Delayed tasks: used when there is a need to find out whether the deadline for a workflow process activity has already expired; if there are any late tasks, a notification is sent to the users who have been configured to receive delay notifications in that process.

Notify only on-the-job: Allows you to configure the receipt of notifications only during working hours, according to the already configured working hours.

  • Automatic flow: used to register an alternative flow in the workflow process so that, when a user does not perform a task within the deadline set, the request is automatically transferred to the alternative flow.
  • Document indexation: used to index documents that have not yet been indexed.
  • Recalculate volume: used to recalculate the physical size of the registered volumes. Attention: for a proper quota control, carrying out this task is mandatory.
  • Compress finished requests: used to compress the form records linked to finished processes. After finishing the process, only the latest version of the form records are saved since the previous versions are deleted to enhance the performance of the platform.
  • Convert documents (internal viewer): used to convert files from a given folder to ones in PDF format in the stipulated period so that they can be viewed internally from the internal viewer that uses the Open Office engine. If the company uses the new document viewer, this scheduling does not apply.
  • Clear document temporary files: used to remove temporary files generated by fluig in the "temp" folder of the operating system in the stipulated period. This procedure also occurs when the platform server is stopped; however, once the scheduling is configured, you can reduce the length of time to delete the files, even with the platform up and running, in order to free up disk space on the server.
  • Clearing notifications: used to delete all the notifications of all users of the company - except for those that require an action by the user, such as requests to join communities, for example - according to the defined periodicity.
  • Metrics monitor: used to send an alert notification to administrators when some runtime internal metric of components and routines exceeds the time set as borderline acceptable. The limit is set in milliseconds.
  • Dataset synchronization: used to configure the synchronization frequency for the selected dataset. The purpose of dataset synchronization is to reduce the number of accesses to data services provided by products external to fluig. For more details on synchronization, see our Dataset Synchronization technical documentation.

Start by documents
How to start document indexation. Available options:

  • Oldest;
  • Newest.

This field is only displayed when the task type selected is "Document indexation" or "Convert documents (internal viewer)".

Conversion type
Type of document conversion to be performed. Available options:

  • All;
  • Non-converted ones only.

This field is only displayed when the task type selected is "Convert documents (internal viewer)"

Limit runtime of the components from which an alert notification is sent. This field is only displayed when the task type selected is "Metrics monitor"

Dataset for which the task scheduling synchronization will be created. This field is only displayed when the task type selected is "Dataset synchronization”.

Run only after
Time from which the task should be performed.

Frequency at which the task should be performed. Available options:

  • Daily: in this option you can configure whether the task is performed one or more times a day, or even if they are performed with an interval of days. It is possible to configure it in four ways:

- every "X" minutes: in this option, the frequency will be according to the interval of minutes specified. Note: the minutes should be divisible by 60 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30) and it is only possible to configure the time in the standard time field; the minutes cannot be configured.

- every "X" hours: in this option, the frequency will be according to the hours specified.

- every "X" days: in this option, the task will be performed according to the days specified and at the standard time entered.

- all days of the week: in this option, the task will be performed all days of the week at the standard time entered. Note: the frequency calculation is based on the standard time entered. By entering 00:00, the next valid frequency after the current time will be calculated.

  • Monthly: in this option, you can configure whether the task will be performed on a specific date of the month. It is possible to configure it in two ways:

- every day "X" of each month: in this option, the task will be carried out on the specified day of each month and at the standard time entered.

- on a day of one week: in this option, the task will be carried out on a specific day of one of the weeks of the month, and at the standard time entered.

03. Click Confirm.

Delete task schedule

01. In the Task Scheduler window, select the task scheduling to be deleted.

02. Click Delete.

03. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the deletion; or No to quit the action.

Perform task manually

01. In the Task Scheduler window, check the scheduling of the task to be performed.

02. Click Run.

When clicking Run, the task will be performed manually at the current time and later it will be performed as usual, as configured on the scheduler.

Even if manually performed, the tasks keep following their configuration rules. For example, in the tasks “Clear all notifications” and “Clear read notifications”, the platform will run the command to clear the notifications as previously defined on the Notification settings screen.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the Waterdrop - 1.6.4 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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