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Speaking about class history...

The history presents all the classes corresponding to the subjects that the student has attended and completed.

From the history, it is possible to issue the successfully completed class certificate and order a new enrollment, in case the student haven't obtained the score needed to pass or even to attend the subject again, even if he/she passed.

The enrollment in classes already completed also follows the active period for enrollments, therefore, if the class enrollment period has expired, you cannot enroll any longer.

Basic path

01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.

02. Click My learning.

03. Click the Class history tab.

04. View classes that have already been completed.

Alternative paths

View class information

01. In the listing of completed classes, select the group you wish to view information.

02. View general information of the selected class.

General information is presented about the class and related to the student's situation, such as score and final status. 

Generate class certificate

01. In the listing of completed classes, select the group you wish to issue the certificate.

02. Click Generate certificate.

When pressing this option, the certificate of the class in question is generated in PDF format. 

Enroll in class again

01. In the listing of completed classes, select the group in which you wish to make a new enrollment.

02. Press Enroll.

When pressing this option, the enrollment request is automatically approved or submitted to the approval of the person in charge in case the account to which the student is linked requires approval of the enrollment request.  

Cancel request new enrollment in class

01. In the listing of completed classes, select the class for which a new enrollment was requested.

02. Click Cancel enrollment request.

When pressing this option, the enrollment request is canceled. 

Cancel new enrollment in class

01. In the listing of completed classes, select the class a new enrollment was requested, but you wish to cancel.

02. Click Cancel enrollment.

When pressing this option, the enrollment is canceled. 

Request to be added to a class waiting list

01. In the listing of completed classes, select the class you wish to enroll again, but there are no vacancies.

02. Click Waiting list.

When pressing this option, the enrollment request is automatically included in the class waiting list to be done as soon a place comes up. more information available from Waiting List. 

Be removed from a class waiting list

01. In the listing of completed classes, select the group’s waiting list from which you wish to be removed.

02. Click Be removed from the waiting list.

When pressing this option, the enrollment request is removed from the class waiting list. 

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.1 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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