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  • SIGACTB – Miscellaneous – 24238


SIGACTB - Miscellaneous

The CTB environment has a series of parameters that act on various system operations such as parameter MV_MCONTAB, which indicates the accounting environment to be used: CTB = SIGACTB (Managerial Accounting) and CON = SIGACON (Accounting - available up to version Protheus AP6). TOTVS S/A submits the parameters with default contents that can be changed according to the company's need and are customized in the CONFIGURATOR environment.





This indicates if the accounting entries' history is considered in their grouping. This parameter is valid only for the Managerial Accounting (SIGACTB) environment.



It enables a change of integration of accounting entries. If entries cannot be changed and if they have any inconsistency referring to the value or nonexistent accounting entities, the entry is saved mandatorily as a pre-entry.



This updates basic accounting balances during the entry.  (S) to update or (N) to not update.



Code of destination company/branch in consolidation. If there is more than one consolidation, use a slash "/" to separate them. E.g.:  Company 01 with branch 03 and Company 05 with Branch 09 => 0103/0509.



It does not allow confirmation of inclusion/edition of an accounting entry when debit does not match credit.



It indicates whether to book even if the debit and credit amounts do not match. If it is set to "S", it will save the accounting entry with no value checking. Otherwise, it will depend on the MV_CONTBAT configuration.



 This indicates if the Debit and Credit validation of the accounting entry will be performed using Type of Balance (preventing the generation of debit and credit entries in different types of balance). If this validation is not necessary, enter "N".



 This defines if the conversion criterion used in the accounting entry is the one registered in the Chart of Accounts (T) or the one from the Standard Initializer of field CT2_CONVER.



 This indicates if the printing of the Chart of Accounts will be done by the Account Code order, or by the Higher-Level Account order. It affects the printing of Account Trial Balances and Chart of Accounts Record



This allows a formula to be used when calculating the Budget values during the registration/review



This parameter indicates which Calendar Statuses will be considered for blocking the Reprocessing. If it is blank, no calendar block will be considered. If you want to block Statuses 2 and 3, enter "23" in the content.



This indicates if prints of the Ledger or Journal will have page numbers restarted or not.  U = Single break, M = Multiple Breaks


It defines if, when deleting integration accounting entries, accounting flags are removed from the entry source tables, enabling a new integration of transactions for accounting. Options are:
 "1" Inactive: flags are not removed from the entry source tables;
 "2" Ask: asks user if they want to re-mark flags in the integration source tables;
 "3" Automatic with warnings: flags are re-marked/removed from integration source tables; user is not asked about it. Warnings are displayed and, if inconsistencies are found, a log of flags re-marked and not marked in deletion is kept;
 "4" Automatic with no warnings: flags are re-marked/removed from the integration source tables; the user is not asked about it. No inconsistency warnings are displayed; a log of flags re-marked and not marked in deletion is kept.
Important: in the change with deletion of rows or entry deletion, in the question presented (with parameter MV_CTBAPLA = '2') 'Clean accounting flags in the source tables?', if it is set to 'Yes', the source flags are cleared; if set to 'No', they are not cleared, and if 'Do Not Delete' is selected, entries are not deleted, but the changes in the rows will be kept. These options refer to the rows deleted during changes or deletion.



Number of days for projecting inflation.



File containing the text of the Balance Sheet Opening Term.



File containing the text of the Balance Sheet Closing Term.



File containing the text of the General Journal Opening Term.



File containing the text of the General Journal Closing Term.



File containing the text of the General Ledger Opening Term.



File containing the text of the General Ledger Closing Term.



It indicates if the number control of the next accounting entry is established by table 09 (T) or is generated automatically by the last number available (U).



Definition of accounting mask. The number of digits for each level must be entered. The mask is used only for the print of reports and queries.



Definition of cost center mask. The number of digits for each level must be entered. The mask is used only for the print of reports and queries.



Definition of the accounting item mask. The number of digits for each level must be entered. The mask is used only for the print of reports and queries.



Definition of Value Class mask. The number of digits for each level must be entered. The mask is used only for the print of reports and queries.



This indicates the accounting environment to be used by  CTB = SIGACTB (Managerial Accounting) or CON = SIGACON (Accounting - up to Protheus version 6.09).



It limits the number of rows in the document in the integration accounting entry



It limits the number of rows in the document in the manual accounting entry.



It indicates if the approval criterion for quotation routine must be used. This parameter is valid only for the Managerial Accounting (SIGACTB) environment.



This indicates if the Inbound Invoice Accounting will be performed with specific queries.



This indicates if the Outbound Invoice Accounting will be performed with specific queries.



This indicates if the user can choose the accounting order in the Offline Accounting Entries routine. If you want to account by entry order (Recno), set the parameter as "E"; if you want to use order by standard parameter, set it as "L."



Indicates whether accounting generates accounting entries (N) or pre-entries (S) when the document debit and credit do not match or if the respective accounting entities are not registered.



It indicates if typing of accounting entities is made directly through reduced code (Y) or if character "*" is used (N).



This defines if Compound Balances are updated when printing the report (Y) or during Reprocessing (N).



It defines if the total of type-3 entry (double entry) that was typed is summed 1 or 2 times.



It indicates if the Sub-Batch is used in the Accounting Entry. If the parameter is filled in, the system always considers that numbering.



It indicates the type of sign to be printed in accounting entries. S = Values are printed with sign P = Negative values are printed in parenthesis D = "D" or "C" is printed after values C = Only "C" is printed for credit values



This activates the Binding control in accounting entries. Definition: 0=No binding, 1=Level rule, 2=CTA table Binding Rule.



Discontinued parameter, cannot be used in the standard product. It enabled the change history for accounting entities.