Páginas filhas
  • Exchanging Messages (WFATASKRMT - SIGAFIN)

In Microsiga Protheus®, there is the possibility of exchanging text messages among system users.


To activate Messenger, just set parameter MV_WFMESSE as S. It activates the resource for all users that connect to Microsiga Protheus® after this configuration.

Receiving and Sending Messages

Once connected to a remote Microsiga Protheus® workstation, when new messages are received, a screen is displayed with the number of messages not read.

  • Reading:

If you do not want to read the messages right now, click Close.

To read messages, click Messages. A screen is displayed with the messages not yet read (Pending Items), the ones read (Items Read), and the items sent (Items Sent).

  • Reading/replying:

To read/reply a message, select it. The message description screen is displayed. You can reply the message or forward it to another person by clicking the corresponding option in the button bar.

To reply a message, just write the text to be sent.

  • Forwarding:

To forward a message, choose the recipients by clicking To. Select the recipients you want to send the e-mail to and click OK to confirm your choice.

By clicking OK, the reply or forward message is sent.

  • New Message:

You can send a message to Protheus users by double-clicking New Message. To do so, enter the recipient(s), subject, and the message to be sent. Choose the message priority. This priority (regular, high, and low) defines the order of pending messages in your inbox.

The History option tracks the history of a message displaying all the messages related to it.