Páginas filhas
  • Compra Legal - Bahia (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

This routine enables the generation of file Import for "Bahia Compra Legal". "Compra Legal" is a State Revenue Secretariat program generating mandatory electronic invoices to any establishment (regardless of the State) that provides Bahia public entities, state or federal, with products, according to the legislation.

Legal Grounds

Decree No. 9,265, dated Tuesday, December 14, 2004.

Art. 1 - In operations with goods oriented to State or Municipal Public Administration entities or institutions, direct or indirect, located in the State, in situation requiring the Invoices generation of models 1 or 1-A, the Invoice must also be generated by electronic means.

The Electronic Invoice may follow the original invoice the establishment generated as a way of controlling the operations with Public Entities.

To whom it is applicable

To all goods vendor working for Bahia state or municipal public entity, except operations using values equal to or less than R$ 1,000.00 and those involved in small business in State of Bahia until 30-06-2005 (Decree n. 9265/04, of 12/15/2004).


To generate an export file for automatic generation of invoices by electronic means, in accordance with the state requirements.


State – Bahia

Delivery term:

For each tax document model 1 or 1-A, with a value higher than R$ 1,000.00, oriented to a public entity, the electronic invoice must also be generated, without a delivery term. The magnetic media just simplify this invoice generation through the State Revenue program.

For small business, only documents priced over R$ 1,000.00 must be converted into electronic invoice by Legal Purchase.

For the other types of companies, all documents, of any value, must be converted.

Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)

Compra Legal

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find


Legislation contemplated

Decree Law 9,265/04

Decree Law 9,497/05

Decree Law 9,790/06

Types of Records Created

Type 1 – Invoice Data (Header)

This record presents information relating to the tax document header, such as: forwarder data, carrier and recipient, total values and data on charges transported. A record is generated for each outflow document generated in the Normative Instruction period. Only the following tax documents are included:

  • With CFOPs starting with 5 or 6;
  • With customer whose field indicates whether the same state/municipal public entity (A1_PUBLIC) is filled in with 2 or 3;
  • With State of Bahia customers;
  • With accounting value higher than the one entered in the parameter MV_VLMNLEG, that indicates minimum value for conversion in electronic invoice;

Services, returns or processing invoices are not presented.

The maximum of 500 invoices are processed, since validator of Secretariat Finance only imports file with maximum of 500 documents.


For the carrier data to be properly generated, it is important to create a complete file of it (SA4), as well as the launch of every information referring to the cargo when generating the invoice (type, gross and net weight).

Type 2 – Invoice Items

This record presents all current goods/products in the tax document, for the Electronic Invoices items to be generated. The same rules for generating the invoices headers are applied for generating the items.


1. Copy the configuration file CPRLEGAL.INI to the directory \SYSTEM\ or a corresponding one.

2. In the Configurator environment, Environment/Files/Parameters option, it must be observed the configuration of the following parameters:


In this parameter, enter the SA1 table field indicating whether the customer is a Municipal or State Public agency. Example: A1_PUBLIC.


It must present minimum value for generation of the invoice by the Legal Purchase. Only small companies must enter minimum value for conversion into electronic invoice by Legal Purchase, currently priced in R$ 1,000.00 by Bahia legislation. Other types of company must inform 0,00, in order to process all documents, independent of the value.


Indicate the fields of table SF2 that presents information to be presented in Legal Purchase BA on carrier vehicle.



If the parameter is not configured, these information will not be displayed in magnetic file. Remember that, as these fields are not standard in the system, customization is required for saving its content.

3. In the Customers File, note if the field 'Public Agency': (A1_PUBLIC) It indicates if the customer is a City or State public agency.

4. In Outflow Invoices Header, observe the following fields:

  • F2_PLACA - Plate of carrier vehicle.
  • F2_UFPLACA - UF of vehicle plate.
  • F2_MPLACA - Municipality of vehicle plate.
  • F2_INFCOM - Additional Information.