The routine Services Checking II checks several trip requests and generates a single bill payable or purchase order or inbound document from the items checked defined by the field  Payment?, so you can reverse them.


You can only delete/reverse the checking through the routine Checking of Services II.


Checking services:

1. Press key [F12].

2. In Payment? choose desired option.

3. Click OK.

4. Click Checking.

5. Fill out information on the question screen.

6.   Click OK.

7. If the question Select Types? is equal to Yes, a screen for the selection of services to be regarded in the checking is displayed.

8. Select the types of services desired.

The fields Product, Description, TIO and Standard Text are disabled for entering.

9. Enter filters (optional) for each type of selected service. Separate expressions by using; (semi-colon).

10. Click Confirm.

     The checking screen is displayed.

11. Fill out information related to the checking on the right side of the screen.

12. Enter the checking values of each item in the column Indicated.

     The lower grid fields are disabled for entering.

13. After finishing checking, click Confirm.

14. Checking is performed.


1. Place on a confirmed checking (green caption).

2. Click View.

A services checking view screen is displayed.  The checking has status Confirmed.

3. Click Close to complete viewing.

Reversing checking:

1. Place on the checking whose column Pay Type is equal to Accounts Payable.

2. Click Related Features in option Reverse.

A screen with data related to the checking is displayed.

3. Click Related Features, option Confirm.

A screen for reverse confirmation is displayed.

4. Click Yes to confirm.

The checking caption is switched to Reversed.

See Also