Name | Description | Content |
MV_CANCNFE | Enables cancelation process of Invoice. | .F. |
MV_CANSALT | True - it performs the skip related to the previous parameter. False - it does not perform the page skip. | |
MV_CENT | Number of decimal places used to print values in currency 1. | 2 |
MV_CENT2 | Number of decimal places used to print values in currency 2. | 2 |
MV_CENT3 | Number of decimal places used to print values in currency 3. | 2 |
MV_CENT4 | Number of decimal places used to print values in currency 4. | 2 |
MV_CENT5 | Number of decimal places used to print values in currency 5. | 2 |
MV_CFAREC | Enter the CFOPs to be added, besides the pre-defined ones, to consider as revenues in the record 0111 of SPED PIS/COFINS. | Blank |
MV_CFDANUL | Indicates the directory where the CFDs of the canceled invoices are moved. | \cfd\anuladas\ |
MV_CFDNAF1 | Indicates the pattern for the name of the file generated for CFD (invoices saved in SF1) | Lower(AllTrim(SF2->F2_ESPECIE))+'-'+Lower(AllTrim(SF2->F2_SERIE))+'-'+Lower(AllTrim(SF1->F2_DOC))+'.xml |
MV_CFDNAF2 | Indicates the pattern for the name of the file generated for CFD (invoices saved in SF2) | Lower(AllTrim(SF1->F1_ESPECIE))+'-'+Lower(AllTrim(SF1->F1_SERIE))+'-'+Lower(AllTrim(SF1->F1_DOC))+'.xml |
MV_CFEREC | Enter the CFOPs not to be regarded as revenue in the record 0111 of SPED PIS/COFINS. | Blank |
MV_CFIND | Determines the CFOPs used for manufactured products by the company. | “” |
MV_CMPDEVC | Indicates if the bills type NDF - Debit Note to Supplier (purchase return) will automatically be cleared. | |
MV_CMPDEVV | Indicates if the bills type NCC - Debit Note to Customer (purchase return) will automatically be cleared. | |
MV_CNPEDVE | Indicates whether the generation of sales orders associated to contracts, generating the automatic measure, from the sales order. | .T. |
MV_CODMNFD | City code used for Digital Invoice (NFD). | |
MV_COLICMS | Identifies in which column of the book the rest of the deflated ICMS: I - Exempt; O - Others. | I |
MV_COLIPI | Identifies in which column of the book the rest of the deflated IPI: I - Exempt; O - Others. | I |
MV_COMP | ASCII character for printer compression. | 15 |
MV_CONSBAR | Number of characters considered in the bar code for searching in the products file. It cannot exceed 15 characters. | 15 |
MV_CONSGRD | Enables products search, regarding: 1 - Only the product code. 2 - Product code and grid reference family. | 2 |
MV_CONTERC | Enables to activate the control of the warehouse in third party possession; it establishes that all material sent for third party possession is transfered to warehouse defined in parameter MV_ALMTERC. | T |
MV_CONTSB | Indicates if off-line accounting will be performed even if there is no match, without showing the accounting entry, or showing it when it does not tally Yes/No. | N |
MV_CONTNF | Define whether the numbering of credit and debit notes are independent (I) or follow the sequence (M) | |
MV_CONTSOC | Percentage related to the Social Security Contribution: 2.2 - Individual; 2.3 - Special Sec. 2.7 - Legal | 2.2/2.3/2.7 |
MV_COTPASS | Enter access password to HTTP address of COT transmission. | |
MV_COTPLAN | Enter the plant number for COT Electronic Packing Slip transmission. | |
MV_COTPORT | Enter the port number for COT Electronic Packing Slip transmission. | |
MV_COTUSER | Enter access user for HTTP address of COT transmission. | |
MV_CPFNFD | User (CPF) of access the use of the Digital Invoice (NFD) | |
MV_CPOCONT | Indicates which fields of the sales order will be locked for the user when approving or dispatching the partnership agreement. | |
MV_CREDCLI | Used in automatic credit approval. L for credit control per store; L for credit control per customer; | L |
MV_CSS | Class for Social Security Contribution. | CSS |
MV_CTBTHR | Define the quantity of Threads to use in the Outbound Documents accounting. | 1 |
MV_CTRETNF | Indicates whether in the accounting of PIS, COFINS and CSLL withholding taxes, the accounting is performed by the tax or the withholding tax. Whereas: 1 - Accounts per tax value. 2 - Accounts per tax withholding. | 1 |
MV_CTRLSI6 | Controls whether the lot totals are per: D - day; M - per month. | D |
MV_CTVALZR | Indicates if it will be accounted when the value 1 is equal to zero or when there is a value other than zero. | N |
MV_CUSTIMP | Determines if the tax costs of the import complementary invoices will generate packing slip of inflow (SD1) or return, through the internal operations file (SD3). Used for countries where there is localization. | N |
Name | Description | Content |
MV_CUSTIMP | Determines if the tax costs of the import complementary invoices will generate packing slip of inflow (SD1) or return, through the internal operations file (SD3). Used for countries where there is localization. | N |