Páginas filhas
  • TESINT - Smart TIO - Tax Management - P12

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  • For Smart TIO registrations that do not have defined rules, the system will consider the record of a generic Smart TIO. In other words, it will use the record where only the fields Operation Type and Inflow/Outflow TIO are filled in.If you have more than one generic record for the same type of operation, the system will return the first record within the type of operation entered according to the order: FM_FILIAL + FM_TIPO + FM_PRODUTO + FM_CLIENTE + FM_LOJACLI + FM_ID
  • The FM_REFGRD field has Product Grid Reference information, and the FM_DESREF field will have the description of the reference selected in the FM_ REFGRD field.
  • The FM_GRPTI field has the code of the Smart TIO Group, which can be entered in the Product record using the B1_ GRPTI field.
  • The FM_ORIGEM field ("Product Source") is only enabled if the MV_A410OPE parameter is set to T. and for products that have bound Batch and Sub-Batch.
  • The FM_TIPOMOV field will be applied only in the outgoing operation taking into account the type of transaction reported in the Sales Order (C6_TIPO).
