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  • Sales Representative Commission Calculation - (FINA440)

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Developed improvement in the Sales Representative Commission Calculation routine (FINA440) so that the value is proportional at the time of posting, considering the values of taxes, discount, fine, and installment interest. The configurations of the sales representative file and parameters define the values that make up the commission calculation.

Example of a bill generated by invoicing.


  • MV_COMIPIS = S (Base w/ PIS = Yes)
  • MV_COMICSL = S (Base w/ CSL = Yes)
  • MV_COMICOF = S (Base w/ COFINS = Yes)
  • MV_COMISIR = S (Base w/ IRF = Yes)
  • MV_BR10925 = 2
  • MV_BQ10925 = 2
  • MV_IMPBAIX = 1

Sales Representative File

  • A3_ALEMISS = 0
  • A3_ALBAIXA = 100
  • A3_ICM = S (Base w/ ICMS = Yes)
  • A3_ICMSRET = N (Base w/ Withh. Icms = No)
  • A3_BASEIR = S (Base with Income Tax = Yes) - If this field exists in the base, the content of parameter MV_COMISIR will be ignored, and the treatment of the commission base value will respect the sales representative file.
  • A3_ISS = N (Base w/ ISS = No)
  • A3_IPI = N (Base w/ IPI = No)
  • A3_FRETE = N (Base w/ Freight = No)
  • A3_ACREFIN = N (FIN Addit. = No)

Wiki Markup
When *N (No)* is entered, it is discounted from the base value.
 When pressing the *\[F12\]* key of the postings receivable routine, select *Yes* for the *Discount/Decreas. Commission?*

Bill value: BRL 10,840.20
Total tax value: 1,890.00 + 157.50 + 70.46 + 325.21 + 105.00 + 500.00 + 340.20 = BRL 1,498.37

Discount: BRL 100.00

Value of taxes on posting after the discount.
Value of the Taxes on posting: BRL 157.50 + BRL 67.10 + BRL 309.75 + BRL 100.00 = BRL 634.35
Value received without taxes: BRL 10,105.85

Total Received Value = (Value Received + Discount + Taxes)
Total Bill Value = Sum of all installments.
Commission base = (Total Bill Value - Discount - Tax that was discounted from the base according to the Sales Representative File and Parameters)
Calculation of Proportionalized Commission Base = Total Received Value / Actual Bill Value * Commission Base
Calculation of the Proportionalized Commission Base =
Total Amount Received (BRL 10,105.85 + BRL 100.00 + BRL 634.35 = BRL 10,840.20) / Total Bill Value (BRL 10,840.20) * Commission Base (BRL 10,840.20 - BRL 100.00 - BRL 840.20 = BRL 9,900.00) = BRL 9,900.00
Taxes discounted from the base + Discounts + Commission Base
Rebuild base for analyzing the calculated value = BRL 840.20 + BRL 100.00 + BRL 9,900.00 = BRL 10,840.20
The ICMS reduction value will be discounted from the sales representative commission base if it is within the following rule: ICMS Calculation Base Reduction - MG - MP11 – 115292.