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01. Click View list of sent invitations.


A list of all All invitations sent by via the platform is displayed to the administratorwill be displayed in this list.

02. To search for a specific invitation, enter the e-mail in Search e-mail.


01. Click View list of sent invitations.


A list of all All invitations sent by via the platform is displayed to the administratorwill be displayed in this list.

02. Enter an e-mail address in Search e-mail.


01. Click View list of sent invitations.


A list of all All invitations sent by via the platform is displayed to the administratorwill be displayed in this list.

02. Enter an e-mail address in Search e-mail.


titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.67.5 0 update - LiquidLake. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.