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  • A formatação mudou.


05. Go to the Attachment rules tab.

Attachment rules are events that will occur in the created activity whe moving to the next activity. These events only occur in normal activities or in the start activity of a process.

06. Click Add to add a new attachment rule.


03. In the General tab, enter a name for the automatic activity.

04. Go to the Conditions tab After clicking Add to enter a condition, the user must select one of the following options: Condition or Advanced condition.


In this tab, enter the conditions for the activity to be automatic. The condition should be entered as well as the target activity of this condition and the assignment mechanism, this last one being optional.

titlePlease note!

The automatic activity output flows should already be defined so it will be possible to configure their conditions. If a condition is not entered, the platform will assume this condition to be “false”.

05. Click Add

titlePlease note!

Conditions will be executed based on the order they were added, so the request will be moved to the activity defined in the first true condition found.

You can also edit an existing condition by clicking Edit or delete an existing condition by clicking Delete

06. Define the required information.

The Condition option allows the user to configure the automatic activity without using any programming or coding, but only setting rules instead. In the Advanced condition option, users with technical knowledge may use coding to configure the activity, as previously done.

05. Select Condition.


This is where the rules required to fulfill the condition are established, as well as the condition’s target activity and, optionally, the assignment mechanism. These are the rules defined in the condition for the activity to be automatic.

Define the requested information:

-Add a rule
The entries, operator and rule assignment are configured in this field. It is also possible to edit condition rules by clicking Edit or delete rules by clicking Delete.



Logic expression to be considered in the automatic activity condition. Logic expressions can have the format of any logic expression used in the JavaScript language. The return of these expressions must be a logic value.

titlePlease note!

Only configure the expressions for an automatic activity after registering the activity flow of the process.

Target activity
Activity to which the request is moved when the logic expression in question is true.

How users are selected to perform the target activity. It only displays the types of assignment mechanism that can be used in Automatic activities. The configuration of an assignment mechanism for a condition is optional. If an assignment mechanism is selected, it will be used along with the target activity assignment mechanism to define the person responsible for the activity by returning a group of common users between the two assignment mechanisms. If an assignment mechanism is not selected, only the target activity assignment mechanism will be used. Available mechanisms:

  • Assignment by association: when selected, the users that can perform the target activity (the ones returned from the combination of several assignment mechanisms) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by form field: when selected, the target activity is assigned to the user that is entered in a field on the form associated to the process;
  • Assignment by activity performer: when selected, the target activity is assigned to the performer of a given previous activity of the process;
  • Assignment by group: when selected, the users that can perform the target activity (all users belonging to a group) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by collaborator group: when selected, the users that can perform the target activity (the ones belonging to the same groups as the authenticated user or the user who started the request, as configured in the mechanism) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by role: when selected, the users that can perform the target activity (all users belonging to a role) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment for a group: when selected, the target activity is assigned to a pool of resources, containing the users belonging to the group. In this case, any user from the group can be assigned the activity;
  • Assignment to a role: when selected, the activity is assigned to a  pool of resources, containing the users belonging to the role. In this case, any user assigned to the role can be assigned the activity;
  • Assignment by user: when selected, the activity is assigned to a specific user.

06. Define the required information.

07. If a mechanism is selected, click Configure, located next to the Assignment mechanism field, and define the information for it.


  • Description: Allows you to enter a name or title for the activity
  • Execution: Select the configuration mode you want
    • Automated -   asynchronous execution model. Used when execution does not require immediate feedback that the operation was successful or not.
    • Immediate -   synchronous execution model. Used when execution returns an immediate feedback from the operation.
    • Manual - runtime – execution model displayed shown in processes that were configured prior to upgrade configured before the 1.6.5 update. It is recommended to upgrade update the configuration to the immediate current model.

Access the asynchronous Integration documentation via workflow processes for more details on the two execution models.

  • Attempts: Enter the number of times the service can run.
  • Frequency: Enter the time in which the service will be running.
  • Frequency by: select the type of unit of time in which the service will be running, being able to select between minutes, hours and days.
  • Message: Enter a message that will be displayed upon completion of the service execution.

Example of use:



frequency by


101hourIntegration succeeded !!!



This documentation is valid from update Lake (1.67.4 0) - Waterdropupdate. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.