Páginas filhas
  • Operational Break (LOJA7016 - SIGALOJA)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This routine allows to track the occurrences causing retail losses and providing the following information:

  • Transaction date;
  • Product Code;
  • Source;
  • Occurrence;
  • Loss Reason;
  • Product unit cost (information from field Standard Cost B1_CUSTD).

Operational breaks are damages caused to goods due to inappropriate transactions and storage that reduce its commercial value, partially or totally. The reduction may be:

  • Partial
  • Total

Are considered operational breaks: expired due dates, perishable deterioration and tasting of products with the identification of origin packages.

In order to focus on loss prevention actions in each unit, it will be necessary identify the moment of damaged product transactions on the system:

  • Where the damage was created (origin);
  • What caused the damage (occurrence);
  • Who cause the damage (loss reason).


In the Operational Break routine are available only the add and delete operations to keep the write-off and reverse consistency of the product balance Stock.


  1. In Branch Group, register the new group of branches.
  2. To add Operational Breaks, first make the Register of Origins, Occurrences and Reasons.


 To add operational breaks:

1. In Operational Break, add the transaction of one or more products to register the operational break. Therefore register the fields according to the following orientations:

- Product: Enter the product code.

- Inclusion Dt: Enter the operational break date.

- Origin Cod: Enter the operational break origin.

- Occur Cod: Enter the occurrence break occurrence.

- Reason Cod: Select the operational break loss reason.

- Quantity: Enter the amount of operational break quantity.

2. Click Confirm.


Below a summary of the sequence of processes to add the Operational Break:

  1. Make the Origin Register
  2. Make the Incidents Register
  3. Make the Reason Register
  4. Add the Operational Break

See Also

  • Origin Register
  • Occurrences Register
  • Loss Reason Register
  • Operational Break
  • Indicators
  • Branch Groups