Páginas filhas
  • Event Records (TMSA360 - SIGATMS)

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


When you register Create Pendency or Create Indemnity type events, Pendency Records and Indemnity Registry are respectively updated.

Image ModifiedNote:

To annotate an event of type Create Pendency for a Blocked document, you must set the parameter MV_TMSPNDB as T. For the document movement, you must release the document (event type 03-Release Document). Otherwise, any movement related to such document is forbidden in the system.

Image ModifiedNote:

Through the Event Records routine, you may add documents on Event Calculation, by DACTE or Manifest (MDF-e) Barcode Reading of travels regarding Delivery, Collections and Transportation via data collector.

To enable this option, access Related Actions and select the Leit.Cod.Barras option or the shortcut key F5 and select the type of barcode reading, with the following options: 1=By Document or 2=By Travel.

Damaged Goods Event

For customer goods' Damage Pendency type events, the system allows control of the branch responsible for the damage through the Branch of Origin Pendency field, available in the Items area, as well as update the pendency registry or the indemnity registry.


  • T (True) – Default content of system; it is mandatory to enter the vehicle's mileage of arrival, closing the trip when all documents have Canceled or Concluded
  • F (False) – It is not mandatory to enter the vehicle's mileage of arrival, keeping the original trip with In Transit status. Moreover, it allows the transfer of other documents to the original trip.


Image ModifiedImportant:

In case of a transfer event, use the parameter MV_TMSCVIA to define the action to be taken as to the trip. The options of actions are:

  • Option 0 - Do not use the parameter
  • Option 1 - Cancel the trip
  • Option 2 - Finish the trip
  • Option 3 - Ask the action to be taken

If the parameter is set as 0, the trip to which the event is being annotated is cancelled. If it is set as 1, the trip is finished. If it is set as 2, a question is displayed asking about the action to be taken (Cancel or Finish).



 Process Conclusion Type Events and Return to Warehouse


10. Check and confirm the data.

Image ModifiedImportant:

The Edit Email? parameter (Yes/No) allows you to define whether email can be edited prior to being sent. Use the [F12] key, in the module's maintenance window, to configure likewise.

The message's addressees are suggested according to the event table configuration, and of the event record x users.

The email body is also suggested, automatically, according to data entered in event records; you may change them if necessary.

If the event record is per trip, and you enter documents with identical addressees in your annotation, they may be grouped. The key to message grouping obeys the following order:

Freight Debtor + Sender + Addressee + Forwarding Agent + Consignee

Thus, such data must be identical and entered.


Related Features

  • Search

It searches documents informed in event records.
