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Da Vinci LCV - IVA - BOL (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Da Vinci LCV - IVA - BOL (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

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This routine enables generation, under magnetic format, of IVA Purchases and Sales Records, under which, chronologically, are registered: invoices, equivalent documents or adjustment documents issued in the period to be declared and that represent IVA Tax Credit and debit.

This routine meets the New Invoicing System, Normative Instruction 10-0016-07 and it is destined to all individuals and companies that need to issue invoices or equivalent tax documents, through a computer-based system.


Image RemovedTip:

For further information on Normative Instruction, access:


  • Before generating the magnetic file, the configuration files NI and DAVINCIV.INI must be in the directory that corresponds to the Microsiga Protheus®\system.


To generate IVA Purchases and Sales Records:

1. In Normative Instructions, click Parameters.

2. Configure the parameters according to instructions:

  • Initial Date ?

Enter the start date to process the Normative Instruction.

  • Final Date ?

Enter the end date to process the Normative Instruction.

  • Normative Instruction ?

Enter the configuration file name, without the ".INI" extension. For this magnetic media, enter:

 DAVINCIC: to generate IVA Purchase Record.

 DAVINCIV: to generate IVA Sales Record.

  • File Destination File?

It is not necessary to enter the name of the target file, since the System automatically generates in the directory, according to description below:

Ex.: compras_mmaaaa_CNPJ.TXT or vendas_mmaaaa_CNPJ.TXT

in which: mm = generation month and aaaa=year of generation

  • Destination Directory?

Enter the directory name where the text file generated from the processing is saved.         

Example: C:\TXT\

  • Select Branch?

Enter No.

3. Check the data and confirm it.

The system displays the Wizard screen.

4. Click Next.

5. Configure the branch files to be generated. Enter the initial and final branch considered when generating the report.

6. Check parameters and click Finish.


Image RemovedImportant:

If necessary to register information regarding lost or not used invoices, use the routine Final Adjustments, available in the menu Miscellaneous/Adjustments.

See Also
