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This routine enables the magnetic file generation for importing of the
Santa Maria
/ RS Local Government Services Declaration, including all valid documents of the services rendered.

The program available in the system contains information uniquely referred to the Tax Records module.


To whom it is applicable


To taxpayers subject to Taxes on Services – ISSQN – from Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul.




To control tax documents booking process of services generated.






Delivery Term




Application provided by tax authorities


No application Files remittance must be performed using the Internet in area of exclusive access to registered taxpayers.


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find it


ISSQN - Santa Maria RS (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

Types of Generated Records

Only one record is generated, including information relating to transactions of services rendered by the taxpayer (Outflow).

  • Series: only the authenticator internal specific series are accepted in the information import: series 1, M-4, M-5 and ECF. If the document was posted with any series different from the entered ones, it is imported with default 1.
  • Sequence: tax document number
  • Day: the day referring to the document generation
  • Month: the month referring to the document generation
  • Year: the year referring to the document generation
  • Accounting Value: document total
  • Calculation Basis: the real value of the installment in which the tax is applied
  • Tax rate: tax rate applied in the installment
  • Tax Replacement: blank. Only city registrations recorded in the program may be used.
