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Fiscal - SEFAZ -

This routine enables the pre-formatted file generation for importing the EDI - Fiscal, of the state of Mato Grosso.


To whom it is applicable


Carriers that travel with cargo through the State of Mato Grosso.




Reduce the time spent by vehicles transporting cargo on the tax offices of the state of Mato Grosso.




State – Mato Grosso


Delivery term




Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®




Legislation contemplated


Decree No. 050/2007


Where to find


Types of Records Created

Record Type 10 – Cargo Data (travel)

This record is based on the travel, according to some restrictions:

1. It is considered the number of the travel entered on the first screen of questions, where the travel Number is entered.



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1. The cargo number is formed as follows: Branch + Trip Number.

2. The CNPJ entered in this record is the CNPJ of the Carrier registered in Mato Grosso.

2. It will be considered only travels whose status is greater than or equal to 2 (Transit) and different from 9 (Cancelled).


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1. The field with the exit time is filled out according to the exit transport operation. To fill it out correctly, the parameter MV_ATIVSAI must be filled out according to the layout. The Vehicle Tare must not be less than 1000.000 or higher than 25000.000 kilograms.


Record Type 20 - Seal Data

The information of this record is generated as from the file of seals.

The seal record is mandatory. Besides, only one record is always generated according to the layout.

Record Type 30 - Manifested Data

The information of this record is generated as from the file of manifests.

If the option chosen for Manifest Type is E-Inflow, only manifests for the state of Mato Grosso are considered.

If the option chosen for Type of Manifest is T-Transit, only manifests with destinations different from the State of Mato Grosso are considered.

Record Type 40- Document Data (customer invoices)

The information of this record is generated as from the file of Customer Invoice.


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To create the Product Type field correctly, SX5 table (V0 table) must be adjusted according to the values requested in the layout provided by SEFAZ-MT.

The system searches the product type in the table of product groups (SBM) in the field BM_TIPGRU, which is filled according to SX5 table (table V0).

Record Type 60 - File End

Information of this record is only for identification of the end of the file.
