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  • Converting Certificate from PFX to PEM (SPEDNFE - SIGAFAT)

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Converting Certificate from PFX to PEM (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)
Converting Certificate from PFX to PEM (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)

When a A1 type digital certificate is received, before conversion for pem format, it is recommended to analyze some important matters to avoid problems with SSL3 connection, with the Revenue Department.

The first step is install the certificate to view it. For such, go through steps:

  1. Double click a pfx file and the assistant screen comes up for Certificate import. Confirm options according to required, letting the operational system automatically stores the certificate, and finish installation.
  2. Access option Tools/Internet Option/Content/Certificates and select the digital certificate previously installed.
  3. Click Display and, then, click Certificate Path. Check if you have all certificates found in Certificate Path. If it is installed, the option Display Certificate can be pressed down. If it is not installed, contact supplier/provider to run installation.


Image RemovedImportant:

Some Revenue Departments require all certification chain to allow SSL3 connection, others do not. If your certificate is installed without all certificates found in the certification chain, you might have access only to some revenue departments. If this happens, follow steps mentioned above to correct connection problem.

Export of Digital Certificate

  1. After conclusion of digital certificate analysis, you must export it with private key. For such, press Export. A Wizard comes up to assist you on procedures.
  2. Check option that allows export private key and, then, choose option that includes all certificates in path certification and all extended properties.
  3. Enter certificate password and conclude operation entering destination file.
  4. Lastly, remove certificate, pressing Remove. This task is quite important for the digital certificate security.

Converting Digital Certificate from PFX TO PEM.

To convert digital certificate from PFX to PEM, you need the function OpenSSL, which is available at: http://www.openssl.org/source/.

After obtaining the CertificadoClient, run following commands:

  • To obtain the CertificadoClient

openssl pkcs12 -in <name of certificate of origin> -out <name of certificate of destination>_cer.pem

  • To obtain the KeyClient
