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  • Application Procedures (SPEDNFE - SIGAFAT)

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Application Procedures (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)
Application Procedures (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)

Enter URL in which Totvs Service SPED is located. The URL name follows standard used in internet browses. Note that the address must be specified, considering the hardware in which ByYou Application Server - ERP Protheus is located. Thus, localhost means that ERP Server and o Totvs Services SPED are located in the same hardware.

TOTVS® Service SPED is developed to work with digital certificates type Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) as it is compatible with Linux and Windows. However, you can receive from your Certifying Authority or from the Revenue Department, a certificate type Personal Information Exchange (pfx, or p12). If this happens, change the digital certificate first and then enter certificate name and password. After confirmation that digital certificate was received, check folder certs1 located under RootPath of TOTVS® Service SPED. This folder holds two digital certificates used to fill out the SSL key mentioned in the installation of TOTVS® Service SPED.

The system is also developed to HSM use and it is recommended by the Federal Revenue Department for the security provided by the device; it is obligatory for users that emit more than 1000 invoices/day.


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  1. After installation of A3 hardware Client, restart machine.
  2. Do not retrieve, for any reason, the A3 certificate. This can cause instability in the operational system (blue screen).
  3. Never install more than one A3 hardware Client. This can cause instability in the operational system.
  4. The A3 hardware Client must be installed according to maker recommendation. Do not install, for any reason, a non homologated driver in your Operational System. This procedure is necessary as some A3 drivers are not available in Server type operational systems (example: smartcard, which is only available for operational systems of user type: WINXP, WIN vista).
  5. Some HSM software block the certificate use, thus, do not let any type of this software running during Microsiga Protheus® configuration stage.

TOTVS® Application Server provides integration with HSMs of SAFENET brand, homologated models were:

  • ProtectHost EFT


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For full NFe functioning, it is necessary that the digital certificate in HSM is imported with the following directives:


1. If all steps are properly followed, the system is then ready to consult the SEFAZ of origin.

2. It is suggested to test it, using the option SEFAZ Status; If test does not go through, review steps previously mentioned.

3. Click Parameters and configure questions according to following instructions.

To proper use of HSM hardware, use Build 7.00.090818P - Dec 17 2009 or superior, as it has dll which are specific for HSM.


To generate NF-e SEFAZ:

1. Inside NF-e SEFAZ, The System displays routine description screen.

2. Click Parameters.

The routine parameters come up.


Enter if environment is Production or Homologation.


Enter if modality is 1 - Normal, 2 - Off-Line Contingency, 3 - SCAN Contingency, 4 - National Scopel, 5 - DPEC, 6 - Virtual Sefaz - RS or 7 - FS-DA Contingency.


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  • Option 4 – National Scope:

Example: SEFAZ of Paraná

Taxpayers that used to send NF-e for SEFAZ of Paraná state will be redirected to national scope. New taxpayers starting NF-e transmission for SEFAZ of Paraná state, will be received at SEFAZ of Paraná itself.

Conclusion: Taxpayers that used to run transmission must configure parameter Modality? as 4 - national scope and new taxpayers configure to 1 - Normal.

  • Option 5 - Electronic Contingency – DPEC:

This option is used for transmitting Previous Statement of Issuance in Contingency (DPEC).

  • Option 6 - Virtual Sefaz - RS:

Some taxpayers from Mato Grosso do Sul state are receiving a notification from state SEFAZ, informing their disconnection from SEFAZ RS and enrollment to enter system that sends NF-e for Virtual SEFAZ of Rio Grande do Sul state.

From then on, the taxpayer must send invoices to Virtual RS SEFAZ and must use this option in parameter Modality.

This option must be used if the same situation happens with SEFAZ from other states.

  • Option 7 - FS-DA Contingency:

Option used in contingency, but using security form.

NFe Version

Enter layout version of SEFAZ electronic invoice.

CTe Version?

Enter layout version of SEFAZ Transportation Knowledge

Version DPEC

Enter layout version of Previous Statement of Issuance in Contingency.


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To disable NFe or CTe, enter 9.99 in the respective parameter.

Waiting time?

Enter a tolerable waiting time, in minutes, so the system can suggest invoicing operator to enter in contingency. If SEFAZ waiting time is superior to this number, the system then suggests operator to enter in contingency. Time inferior to 3 minutes is not considered, as this is SEFAZ processing average time.

3. Configure data required and confirm.

4. Then, click Transmission, located at screen footnote.

5. A descriptive screen comes up related to transmission of Invoices to SEFAZ.

6. Click Advance.

7. By now, the system has already ran some SEFAZ of origin services (SEFAZ is identified by the company´s file – SIGAMAT) and has already asked the user to perform transference for SEFAZ of origin or to enter in contingency.


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For the contingencies modality it is requested to enter the reason for use it, being it sent in additional information and printed in DANFE.


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In this screen the Note description is only filled out by some Revenue Departments, and its goal is to provide a forecast of service return in case of interruption.

8. If there is an error while configuring or filling out the files informed in item "implementation", a warning message is displayed.

9. Then, click Advance.

A screen comes up to definition of invoices range to be transferred, in the same way it would be done in a print out.

NF Series

Enter NF series

Initial Invoice

Enter initial invoice to be transferred

Final Invoice

Enter initial invoice to be transferred

10. Check data and click Advance.

Once transmission range is defined, the system runs execblock  XmlNfeSef  NFESEFAZ.PRW). This execblock is similar to  NfExam , considered the proper proportion, and it is responsible for implementation and generation of XML file. As a result, observe that all customization of Invoice messages must be replicated to it and in TAGS allowed by Tax Authorities. If customization changes XSD (XML Schema Definition), file that holds definitions in XML Schema Language, defined by Totvs® or Tax Authorities, the invoice is rejected and it is not transmitted.

11. A screen comes up to let user know that processing was successful.

12. Click Finish.

13. After transmission, the application that integrates to electronic invoice, Totvs Services SPED, manages the invoices line received and makes integration to SEFAZ. This transaction can be monitored using button Monitor.

This button offers five options:

  • By range – Display interval of invoices user wishes to monitor;
  • By time – Display interval in minute of invoices user wishes to monitor;
  • Statistic - Display summary of operations performed with Revenue Department.
  • NFe query - Display summary of current situation of NFe in the Revenue Department database.
  • NFe Query by key - Display a summary of current NFe in the Revenue Department database, however, query is performed by key.

14. After transmission, the system displays the buttons:

  • XML Recovery:

This button lets user visualize XML that has been (or will be) transmitted to SEFAZ. This process is useful during customization of XML generation Rdmake or to check information missing in system files, according to topic Implementation Process – Step 2 – Initial tests.

In case NFe is not signed, an XML Schema validation message is entered in case of problems in its structure, however, this message will be always displayed in English.

  • Messages:

This option lets user view all transmission attempts made to SEFAZ and events resultant from each one of transmissions.

  • Schema:

This option allows the user to validate XML that has been (or will be) transmitted to SEFAZ. This process validates all schemas and, in case there is incomplete information in XML, it is displayed at Schema validation message.


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According to taxpayer integration manual on NF-e, even after its transmission to SEFAZ of origin, there is the possibility to be denial, and the user-company must be prepared for all NF-e denegation.

See Also
