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  • Cash Up Check (LOJA057 - SIGAFAT)

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Cash Up Check (LOJA057 - SIGALOJA)
Cash Up Check (LOJA057 - SIGALOJA)

This routine enables you to query checks made while cashing up, allowing you to make a final check, registering actions and transferring transaction bills to the simple portfolio. This operation enables the Financials to process the bills generated.


1. In Transaction, make a sales transaction with different payment terms.

2. Cash up.

3. Enter information about the cash up check.

4. After printing the cash partial withdrawal report, check the cash partial withdrawal complement print (management report).

5. Register the actions to be taken in the final check through Cash Up Check Actions. To make the final check, some actions must be registered. Several actions can be registered, according to the features of each case. However, there are four types of actions, and at least one action must be registered for each type.

Types of action:





6. In Final Cash Up Check, make the final cash up check.

7. Fill out the column fields on the left concerning search in order to set a filter according to the combination defined and click Search.

If there is any record under the criteria established, it is mentioned in the first list, Cash Transactions. By clicking a transaction, the verification made is automatically mentioned in the list below, in the Transaction Check box.

In the first list, some functions of the default tool menu (graphic buttons) and a specific button to view the list captions (a colorful board button) are available. There is also a search option in the transaction list.

8. Select a transaction and click Check in the right column panel. The verification is listed. For each verification, an action is suggested. If there are no value divergences, the first action registered of type 4 (approved) is suggested. If there are divergences, a value is set with the first action found with type 3 (adjust). A standard query is available to select actions.


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  • For the actions Waive, Deduct and Adjust, you must fill out the Action Det. column, which opens a screen when selected in order to enter some justification for the action. If this information is not entered, an error message is displayed by clicking Confirm.
  • If actions not concerning the verification scenario are selected, warning messages are displayed.
  • If you click Cancel after any change in the data grid, a question is displayed to avoid accidental data loss by closing the check screen.

9. After making the required check, click Confirm. After saving data, the transaction caption in the list is automatically changed to Checked (green) and the check list (list below) is updated.

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