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Delete Invoice or Quotation (LOJA140 - SIGALOJA)
Delete Invoice or Quotation (LOJA140 - SIGALOJA)

This routine enables invoices, quotations, and orders improperly created in Store Control to be deleted.

Deletion of Sales Order Quotations generated in Invoicing environment

This routine deletes order quotation only if the outflow invoice was not issued by Invoicing. Otherwise, the following message is displayed: "This Order has sales orders finished. Please cancel invoice (s) concerning this sales order to cancel then reservations and quotations".

Therefore, if the outflow invoice was issued by Invoicing, the corresponding quotation cannot be deleted. First, the invoice must be canceled to delete then reservations and quotations in this routine.


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It enables the generation of on-line accounting entries.


Deleting invoices, quotations, or orders:

1. In Deletion of Invoice/Quotation/Order, the list of all invoices, quotations, and orders registered is displayed.

2. Select the invoice or quotation you want to delete. Then, choose the option Delete Invoice/Quotation.

A window is displayed to delete Invoices/Quotations, in which all information is viewed in order to avoid a wrong deletion.

On this screen, the list of quotation or invoice items to be deleted is displayed.

3. Check data and confirm the deletion.


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If the configuration defines that the user is fiscal, the invoice deletion can only be made if it is corresponding to the last receipt, according to ICMS 156/98.

See Also
