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Enables the cash register to be used for a password created, thereby registering transactions and time of cash register opening and check while cashing up.

It also enables you to print the cash partial withdrawal report, which has information with operation details in the effective control of cash register opening and closing. This control prevents the same cash register from working simultaneously.


When an operator sets the float through the Off-line Assisted Sales routine, this same cash register cannot be opened in another terminal. For that, the cash register opened must be closed and transactions must be checked. Therefore, setting the till float and cashing up are directly connected with the check.

Image AddedImportant:

  • To ensure the effectiveness of cash register opening control, all cash registers must be closed at the start of operations, either in Store control module or in Point of Sales.
  • In order to set the till float even with pending cash check, you must set the parameter MV_LJOBGCF to F (False). If Online Store Control is used and a till float with pending cash check is set, every pending check must be confirmed when cashing up.

You can print a complement after printing the cash partial withdrawal through a management report. The complement has operation details and the cash partial withdrawal split by payment term. This report is printed when the parameter MV_LJICMSA is activated.

Transactions made in the cash register are saved in specific routines of each system administrator.

  • Setting the Till Float
  • Cashing Up