Páginas filhas
  • Item Revocation (GCPA002 - SIGACOM)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


3. The field Note is mandatory whenever the item is revoked.

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This process is the same for the types of Public Notice Evaluation (per item, per lot or per Public Notice).

When the public notice evaluation is per Lot or Public Notice, when revoking, all rows related to the grid are revoked.

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The Public Notice Participants revocation is accessible in Related Features/Participants.

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The revocation of Items and/or Public Notice Participants revoked by Public Notice Maintenance is registered in the Public Notice History table, with respective justification.

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The revocation of Items and/or Public Notice Participants revoked by Public Notice Maintenance are not displayed on the Winner Choice screen.

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In the process Remaining the participant that does not assume the supply in the same conditions of the previous winner, is revoked by the System, these participants are visible on the Winner Choice screen.