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  • Public Notice Evaluation (GCPA002 - SIGACOM)

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Upon adding a Public Notice, enter how the bidders evaluate it. The user enters one of the three evaluation methods:

By Item, Lot or Public Notice

1. By Item

1.1 Upon entering in the field Evaluation (CO1_AVAL) defining the Public Notice is By Item, in the stage of bidders ranking, the System displays all items belonging to the Public Notice and the user must perform the evaluation (ranking) from product-to-product.

2. By Lot

2.1 When entering in the field Evaluation (CO1_AVAL) defining the Public Notice is By Lot the field Lot Number (CO2_LOTE) is mandatory.

In the stage of the winners ranking, the evaluation is through Indicated Lot CO2_LOTE.


A 4 items public notice with two items (MP01 with quantity 10 and MP02 with quantity 5 is Lot01 and the other items (MP03 with quantity 15 and MP04 with quantity 5) is Lot02.

During bidders ranking, the system only displays 2 records, that is, Lot01 and Lot02.

Lot01 has the total quantity of 15 and the Lot02 the total quantity of 20.

ATTENTION: This lot concept only works for the evaluation of the Public Notice, the System does not mind the Lot number for the order. The Lot Table (SB8) in Microsiga Protheus is not fed.

3. By Public Notice

3.1 When, in the field Evaluation (CO1_AVAL), the Public Notice is entered as By Public Notice, during bidders ranking, the System displays a single record for evaluation, that is, all items are summed and evaluated by each of the bidders registered in the Public Notice.


The Commission Register or Participants and Price Query , can be performed in the options Addition, Maintenance and Public Notice Generation.

·    To register the suppliers of the Public Notice, click Participants and fill out the fields.

·    To register a Public Notice Commission in the own edition of the Public Notice, click Related Features and select Commission. Fill out the fields according to  field help instructions.

·    To register Price Query in the Public Notice edition, click Related Features and select Query Price. Fill out the fields according to  field help instructions.