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  • Contract (CNTA100 - SIGAGCT)

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This routine performs all processes regarding product and/or service contracts, making it possible to detail all specifications of the company's contracts, such as: suppliers, clients, duration, date of signing, person responsible, subject matter, contract clauses, fines, use of bonds, adjustment rates, spreadsheets, financial schedules, accounting schedules, advance payments, sales representatives, among others.

The spreadsheets define the contract's details; that is, its items. For instance, in an electronic equipment maintenance service contract, the following spreadsheets might exist: Technician Visit and Equipment Replacement.

The System enables you to select several customers for a Sales Contract and change customer by using the Contracts Review, providing a more flexible Contracts Management, enabling you to control several customers in a single Sales Contract.

A contract may have more than one spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet may have more than one product, as in the following example.

Example of a service provision contract

Contract - Electronic Equipment Maintenance Service Provision

Contract Type: Service Provision

Spreadsheet Types: Technician Visit and Equipment Replacement

Items in the Technician Visit spreadsheet: Emergency Service and Preventive Maintenance Service

Items in the Equipment Replacement spreadsheet: Replace CPU and Replace HD


The contract's data update sequence is controlled by its status. Changing the contract status is done manually in the Status option of the routine.

Help_buttonImage AddedTip:

The Update menu option allows changing the contract's data, such as: duration, payment terms, contract type, security/bond, adjustment permission, subject mater, proposal date, etc. However, only contracts with the Draft status may be so changed.
The Delete menu option can only be used in contracts with the Draft status.
The MV_CNCOMCP parameter allows you to define the number of days of duration for the contract schedule. If this parameter is not set, the system considers the duration of 30 days.
The MV_CNVIGCP parameter allows you to indicate the maximum duration date for portions of the schedule when the contract has its duration undefined. If this parameter is not set, the system considers the default duration as the duration's maximum date: 31/12/2049.
The parameters described above are only used if the schedule periodicity is Payment Terms.
Parameter MV_CNVERNF allows you to check whether a Pending Measurement or a Measurement with No Linked Invoice exists at Contract Termination or Cancellation.

Previous Routines

In order to correctly fill out this routine, it is necessary to perform the following registers beforehand: Contract Types / Rates Register / Payment Terms / Suppliers / Fines Register / Documents x Status.

Related Routines

Data from the registers are to be used by the following routines: Bonds / Spreadsheets / Schedules / Measurements / Revisions / M-Messenger.


Registering contracts:

1.In Contracts, select Add.

A new screen is displayed for selecting the type of contract to be registered.


Help_buttonImage AddedImportant:

By using the MV_CNVLASS parameter, it is possible to allow validation or non-validation of the signature date of the sales/purchases contract.

Y – It validates the signature date of the sales/purchases contract.

N – It does not validate the signature date of the sales/purchases contract.

Examples of Contract Type:

001 - Equipment Purchase Contract (Purchase)
002 - System Maintenance Service Sales Contract (Sale)
2.Select the desired contract type and confirm.

To do so, use the standard query of the CN1 - Contract Types available table.

3.Click OK to continue.

The system displays the Contract Maintenance - Add window, split into these areas:


This area is subdivided into tabs:

Registration Data Tab

This tab shows the data which characterize the contract's subject matter and its main specifications, such as: contract number, start date, signing date, duration (days/months/years), end date, payment terms, contract type (e.g.: construction, service provision, material, etc.), current value of the contract, initial value of the contract, rate used, authorization for adjustment of the contracted value, presence of bonds, bond minimum percentage, contract revision number, subject matter of the contract (e.g.: expansion of the water supply system), contract clauses, closing date, contract pending balance, contract status (e.g.: draft, issued, approval, effective, downtime, canceled, termination request, terminated, revise, revised), among other data.

Pay special attention to the following fields:


In this field, the Undetermined option caters to contracts without end dates. For these contracts, the system considers the date 31/12/2049 as end date.

Contract Tp.

When selecting a flexible contract type that has a financial estimate, the system enables the Initial Value field for editing. This value is considered in the Measurements/Deliveries and Revisions routine.

Information/Taxes Tab

This tab displays the fields needed for tax configuration, according to contract specifications. They are:


ISS Rate – it determines the ISS percentage of the contract.
Labor INSS Base – it determines the INSS calculation base percentage for labor in the contract.
ME Base (material base) – it determines the percentage corresponding to the contract's material/equipment base value.


Description (contract description) – it determines the main service/material of the contract.
Address – the place of execution of the contract.
City – the city of execution of the contract.
District – the district of execution of the contract.
State – the state of execution of the contract.
Public Notice Tab

Help_buttonImage AddedImportant:

Contracts belonging to Public Notice neither can be deleted, nor add spreadsheets, or changed/delete them.

The spreadsheets can have only Suppliers/Customers indicated in the contract.


Pasta Outros


This area is subdivided into tabs:

Sales Representatives Tab

This tab is displayed only if the contract is of the sales type. Sales representatives involved in the contract's negotiation must be informed in it.

Suppliers Tab

The Suppliers tab displays the suppliers taking part in the contract.

At the bottom of this screen, take note of the Evaluation option, which displays the supplier x contract evaluations, if applicable. When you run it, evaluation data for the supplier and its respective contracts are displayed. If the data has been registered, the following is displayed: contract number, evaluation details, invoice, the status of the contract when it was evaluated, evaluation date, etc.

The Evaluation option, at the bottom of this scree, displays the supplier x contract evaluations, if applicable. When you run it, evaluation data for the supplier and its respective contracts are displayed. If the data has been registered, the following is displayed: contract number, evaluation details, invoice, the status of the contract when it was evaluated, evaluation date, etc.

Also check the Supplier Evaluation topic.

Bonds Tab

This tab displays the bonds negotiated for ensuring the fulfillment of the information registered in the contract. Adding bonds to it is not allowed, you may only view the bonds registered by the Bonds routine related to the contract.

This tab displays the bonds negotiated for ensuring the fulfillment of the information registered in the contract. Adding bonds to it is not allowed, you may only view the bonds registered by the Bonds routine related to the contract.

Spreadsheets Tab

It displays the existing spreadsheets for the selected contract, showing execution data for the selected product/service.

For following up contract spreadsheets, the following data is displayed: spreadsheet number, the supplier who performed the service or delivered the materials, start date, end date, grand total, balance, financial schedule number, etc.

The Edit option, available at the bottom of this screen, allows editing the data in the related spreadsheets or adding new items when the contract is being drafted.

Upon using this option, the created schedule, if present, is to be updated according to the new data from the spreadsheets when you confirm the editing. In this case, a message is displayed containing two options:

Yes: to generate schedule installments anew.

It displays the wizard responsible for the financial and physical schedule configuration.

No: to change them manually.

To edit the schedule data manually, you may use the Schedule option available in Related Features or access the Schedules routine.
To configure the schedule's data, check the Schedule topic.

Schedules Tab

This tab displays the financial schedules for monitoring the contract. It is updated by operations in the Schedules routine.

Configure parameter screen of Financial/Physical Schedule according to expected result.

Fines/Bonuses Tab

It displays the applicable contractual fines/bonuses.

Documents Tab

It displays all the documents related to the contract and their characteristics (code, description, document type, issue date, validity date, etc).

Withheld Bonds Tab

It displays all withholdings done during the measurement of the contract, displaying: contract number, measurement number, supplier code and store, measurement date, posting value, posting date, etc.

The View option, available at the bottom of all tabs, allows checking the registration data of suppliers, bonds, spreadsheets, schedules, fines/bonuses, documents and withheld bonds, respectively.

Advances Tab

It displays the financial advances registered for the purchase or sales contract.

Acc. Schedule Tab

It allows viewing the accounting schedule data, if configured. It is updated by operations in the Accounting Schedule routine.

Configure parameter screen of Accounting Schedule according to expected result.

4.In the Header area, fill in the data according to field help instructions.
5.However, take note of the following fields:
Bond Ctr. (Bond control)

This field indicates how contract bonds are to be controlled. It can be configured as:

Manual – bonds are to be registered at the start of the contract;
Withholding – bond value is withheld at each measurement.

When configured with the Withholding option, the withholding bond control allows the contract to have a withheld value during each measurement, accumulated for its validity duration. The withheld value is calculated according to the Bond % field (minimum bond percentage) and saved in the contract at each measurement.

Contr. Valid. Y/N (contract validation)

It is configured for defining whether access control to the contract and measurements is used. It can be configured as:


It uses features from the Access option, which allows defining the access control to bonds, spreadsheets, schedules, contract documents, measurements, contracts and knowledge base registers of the documents by user and/or group of users.


The Access option will not be available. Thus, contracts can be accessed by all system users.


For the contract number 000000000000002, the Contr. Valid. Y/N field was configured with the Yes option (validates access to the contract). So, when selected, the system will validate the register access configurations defined by user and/or group of users.

According to the access configuration performed, the system may display a message warning the user that he does not have access to the selected transaction.

6.Next, in the Item area, if the contract is of the purchase type, go to the Suppliers tab and select the suppliers taking part in the contract.

Otherwise, if the contract is of the sales type, go to the Sales Representatives tab and select the sales representatives involved in the negotiation and their commission percentages.

In the Sales Representatives tab, up to five representatives can be selected.

7.In the Fines/Bonuses tab, enter the contractual fines, if applicable.
8.Check data and confirm inclusion of the contract.

Check the contract status, which is shown as Draft.

See Also

Contracts report.