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NF-e - Barueri SP (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
NF-e - Barueri SP (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

This routine generates the magnetic file to delivery ISS Electronic Invoice of the city of Barueri.


To whom it is applicable


To all service providers located in the City of Barueri.




Provide taxpayer with a practical, controlled, safe, clear and low cost way to issue service invoices.


Delivery Term


There is not one.


Application provided by tax authorities


There is not one.


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


There is not one.




City - Barueri - SP


Where to find it





Decree nr. 6516, of December 22, 2008.

Types of Generated Records

Record type 01 - Header

This record contemplates information provided by taxpayer.

Record Type 02 - Invoice

For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in Tax Records file and Outflow Invoice Header (only from services outflow transactions).

Record Type 03 - Withholding Entries

For this record, information is generated according to data recorded in financial bills for withholding IRRF, PIS, COFINS and CSLL and other values not included in ISS tax base (except federal taxes).

Record Type 09 - Footer

Contains the number of records in the file.

Generating Electronic Invoice - Barueri

Generating Electronic Invoice - Barueri:

1. In Normative Instructions, the routine description screen is displayed.

2. Click Parameters.

The routine parameters are displayed.

3. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

4. Note the following parameters:

Start Date?

Enter the initial date to generate information.

End Date?

Enter the final date to generate information.

Normative Instruction?

Enter the name of the Normative Instruction to be calculated without .INI extension. For this magnetic medium, enter the NFEBARUE.

Target File?

Enter the destination file name where the information is generated.


Enter the directory's name to save the created text files.

Select Branches?

Enter whether you want to select the branches or only the current branch.

5. Check data and confirm them.

A wizard screen is displayed with parameters specific for Barueri Electronic Invoice.

6. Click Next and fill out the following data:

Taxpayer City Registration

Enter the service providing taxpayer's Municipal Registration.

Remittance Number?

Remittance number of file sent to Barueri City Hall.

Enter Acquirer E-mail?

Enter if service acquirer's e-mail must be entered.

Initial and Final Customer

Enter the customer you want to generate the information in the file.


Enter the initial and final unit you want to generate the information in the file.

Initial and Final RPS

Enter the RPS you want to generate the information in the file.

Series of Initial and Final RPS

Enter the RPS series you want to generate information in the file.

7. Check parameters and confirm them.


Image RemovedNote:

City Hall's electronic invoice generation program issues the Invoice with the right tax rate, according with the code of provided service. If the RPS is issued with the wrong tax rate, City Hall issues electronic invoice using the right tax rate. If this is the case, said electronic invoice is not imported, once ISS value can compromise the generation of financial bills. Therefore, if it happens, you must cancel the items electronic invoice, RPSs and bills, so to restart the process.

See Also

According to information provided by City Hall of Barueri, systematization of characters used in return file is ISO-8859-1. Using a different systematization implies the inappropriate understanding of special characters, followed by changes in the layout of the import file and log error. ISO-8859-1 standard enables usage of special characters. For further information on Import, click Electronic Invoice Import.

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