Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Pursuant to the law in force, companies using electronic data processing system to record their business and economic activities, bookkeeping or generation of documents regarding accounting, tax, labor and social security, when required, must present digital files containing data regarding their business and economic activities, following specifications and guidelines of Manad and according to the inspection of SRP (Social Security Income Secretariat), as well as the whole technical documentation and updates of their systems.

To whom it is applicable

To companies using electronic data processing system to record their business and economic activities, bookkeeping or generation of documents regarding accounting, tax, labor and social security.


Allows requested companies to present data regarding their business and economic activities.



Delivery Term

Information is presented by legal entities when requested by Social Security Inspector - AFPS - during Fiscal Action duly authorized.

Application provided by tax authorities

SVA – Digital Files Validation and Authentication System

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Administrative Rule MPS/SRP Nr. 058, of January 28, 2005

IN SRP 12/2006

Where to find it

For further information about magnetic medium generation, access:

The address to find the application is:


Types of Records Created

Record type 0000 – Opening of the digital file and identification of the taxpayer establishments


The table Payroll Accounting for Manad (RCZ) stores data on payroll accounting and routine MANAD Accounting  must be ran whenever a Manad file is generated for a period that has not been generated yet. This routine reads former accounting entries and stores them in table RCZ, listing which budget generated entries for a specific ledger account/cost center.

If there were changes in standardized entry file, backup of this table (SI5/CT5) must be must be restored and then run routine MANAD Accounting.

Record type K250 – Payroll master


This record indicates the total number of lines displayed in the whole magnetic medium.


See Also

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