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This routine generates the file to import GIA – ICMS Information and Calculation Form - Interstate Operations and Provisions, state of Pernambuco.

To whom it is applicable

To all taxpayers with interstate operations, except for the natural person classified in the ICMS-SIM Simplified Payment System and the agribusiness producer with no administrative organization.


Maximum use of data generated by taxpayers by their own documents and systems, collecting such data so as to ensure its originality and integrity.


State - Pernambuco

Delivery Term

It must be delivered annually until April 30th of the year after the reference fiscal year, except if SEFAZ-PE determines another date.

Application provided by tax authorities


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find it

Legislation contemplated

Ordinance SF 129, 27/07/2006


Types of Records Created

File header


Information obtained during information processing.

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