Páginas filhas
  • Renegotiation of Bills Receivable (FINA045 - SIGAFIN)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


To renegotiate bills:

1. Update parameters:

    • MV_NATPER - class of bill to be generated. This class must be registered.
    • MV_TIPPER - type of bill to be generated.


    • Payment Term (A1_COD) - inform the standard payment term to calculate new installments and maturity dates.
    • Period Type (A1_TIPPER) - indicate periodicity to group client's bills:
      • 02 = every Monday
      • 03 = every Tuesday
      • 04 = every Wednesday
      • 05 = every Thursday
      • 06 = every Friday
      • 10 = every 10 days (to group bills only on the 10th, 20th and 30th)
      • 15 = every 15 days (to group bills only on the 15th and 30th)
      • 30 = end of every month (to group on the last day of the month, irrespective of the day: 28th, 29th, 30th or 31st)

Image ModifiedNote:

Period types 10 and 15 do not consider bills maturing on the 30th for the following months: April, June, September and November. These bills are considered period type 30 (end of every month).



To renegotiate bills:


4. Original bills are replaced. Maturity of installments is calculated from the Movement Limit date and the client's standard payment term.


See Also

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