Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Speaking of Forms...

This feature allows creating Forms that can be published both for internal access, by registered users, and external platform users, by simply marking the form as public.



The widget columns in the See records feature within the Forms center (Forms) are dynamic, which means that they change depending on the form chosen due to the fact that they have different fields.

Create forms


Follow the steps below to create a form.


  • To open field editing, click the  icon on the right-hand corner of the field.

  • To delete fields, click the icon on the right-hand corner of the field.

Field componentes


Field components available to create forms:


    • Title: title of the added search field

    • Filter: filters if the search is made by role, group or no filter

    • Save: saves the email address of the user searched

    • Mandatory?: used to define whether the field is mandatory. Mandatory fields are identified with an asterisk (*).

    • Tip: instructions to complete the field

    • Help text: used to assist field completion (e.g. Enter a user name)

    • Advanced options: unique field name to check data.

Layout components


Layout components available to create forms:


The icon  is shown whenever the component has pending settings. The form cannot be saved or published before these settings are addressed.

Integrate forms


Integration is a feature that allows users to carry out predefined platform actions in the form. Each new form created can be integrated by selecting the parameters of the selected operation, in order to ensure it runs correctly. Step-by-step:


07. After the operation and messages are configured, a summary of the integration is shown.

08. Click Confirm.

Preview forms


Click item to preview what the form will look like during completion (form registration). However, it is not possible to edit or interact with the form in preview mode, since it still has to be saved and published before it can be completed.

Save forms


Follow the instructions below to save a form:


03. Forms can be edited and later published or can be directly published. Solutions can be removed by clicking the button represented by the icon .

Publish forms


Follow the steps below to publish a form.



It is not possible to fill out data in mobile devices for forms created in Forms Beta.

The Fluig app only allows filling out information for forms linked to a process. However, Forms Beta does not have this link yet, which prevents the user from editing records in the mobile app. 

Rule validations


This table details validations by field type (text, numeric and date) in Forms, as well as setting up each rule.



To complete the form, all highlighted fields must be checked and filled out according to the required rules.

Forms buttons guide


The buttons guide shows users the purpose of each new button when editing forms.
