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  • Reset Admin password with Dictionary in Database

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05. On the error screen, click Yes.

05. On the error screen, click Yes.

10. A window for setting a new password will open.

Approximate reading time: 12 min


For databases that use the Data Dictionary in the Database, the users and passwords file do not physically remain in a folder on the Protheus structure, but inside the Database. In this situation, a specific password recovery mechanism was created for the Protheus Administrator user, if necessary.

We recommend that the SMTP data is configured (Configurator > User > Passwords > Policy > Connections Tab) and that the Admin user has a registered email; therefore, when you click Forgot your password, a new temporary password is sent to the Admin's email.

However, if the user eventually does not have a registered e-mail, or if the SMTP data is not configured or is incorrect, you will need to send a Token to the Protheus Framework Support, and then contact Support to provide the information needed to receive the Token.

Here are the steps to reset the Admin’s user password.


Do not generate the Token before sending the authorization letter to the Framework Support, because the Token expires in 3 hours. If the whole process exceeds this time, you will have to generate a new Token.

1. Open a new Ticket through the Customer Portal, directed to the Protheus Framework Support requesting to reset the Admin User Password (mention in the ticket that your base has Data Dictionary in the Database)

2. Download the Authorization Letter to Reset Administrator User Password at the link below:
Download Letter

3. Fill in the letter, collect the signature of the IT employee in charge, scan the letter and attach it to the ticket.

4. After the Support team internal process validates the letter, they will contact you to continue the procedure. When in contact with the Support, open Protheus Smartclient.

5. On the Protheus login screen, enter the Admin user, and then click Forgot your password.

6. On the next screen, click Advanced Options.

7. Enter the Email Server Data (if they are configured in the Policy, these fields will already be filled).Below, enter the Requester/Environment Information. When finished, click Generate and  Send. A confirmation message appears, click Close.

8. A Token will be sent to the Protheus Framework Support team. At this time, WITHOUT closing this screen (if you close, you will need to repeat the process), wait for the Token to be processed by the Support team.

9. Enter the Token in the Reset password by token screen and click Confirm Token.

10. A window for setting a new password will open. Enter a new password, confirm it, and click Finish. Then login with the new password.

Card documentos
InformacaoImprovement available from LIB version 20190131


If there is a checksum error in the Admin user, which can be caused by inconsistent user information in the database, follow the steps below to reset the password.

01. Open a new Ticket through the Customer Portal, directed to the Protheus Framework Support requesting to reset the Admin User Password due to CheckSum error (mention in the ticket that your base has Data Dictionary in the Database and send the printscreen of the CheckSum error message). Example of error when trying to login with Admin user with CheckSum error (violated values can be changed):

02. Download the Authorization to Reset Administrator User Password at the link below:
Download Letter

03. Fill in the letter, collect the signature of the IT employee in charge, scan the letter and attach it to the ticket.

04. After the Support team internal process validates the letter, they will contact you to continue the procedure. When in contact with the Support, open Protheus Smartclient.

05. On the error screen, click Yes. A window asks for the Email Server Data (if they are already configured in the Policy, these fields will already be filled). Below, enter the Requester/Environment Information. When finished, click Generate and Send. A confirmation message appears, click Close.

06. Click Generate and Send and a window appears confirming successful submission.

07. A Token will be sent to the Protheus Framework Support team. At this time, WITHOUT closing this screen (if you close, you will need to repeat the process), wait for the Token to be processed by the Support team.

08. Enter the Token in the Reset password by token screen and click Confirm Token.

09. A window for setting a new password will open. Enter a new password, confirm it, and click Finish. Then login with the new password.


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