Páginas filhas
  • Sales Summary (MATR660 - SIGAFAT)

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

Sales Summary

Enables you to evaluate the summary of sales transactions made in a certain period in the currency defined by the company. You can select a range of sales representatives to be considered in the issue.

Values are displayed according to the features below:


  • In the Invoicing column, sales (quantity, unit value, goods price, and IPI value) that comply with the report parameters are listed.


  • In the Other Values column, all sales transactions different from the report parameters are listed.



Issuing the Sales Summary Report:


  1. In Sales Summary, click Parameters


  1. .
  2. Configure them according to field help instructions


  1. .
  2. Check data and confirm them.


  1. Configure the print.


  1. Check configurations and confirm the print.


See Also


  • Standard Configuration of Reports


  • Configuration of Customized Reports