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This widget is part of the Intranet kit solution that is available from the fluig Store and it is compatible with the platform’s mobile application, that is, it can be viewed on mobile devices from the application.
Information about the available settings for that widget can be found in Configure Birthdays widget.


Achievements Learning achievements

View all your achievements in training/tracks and classesthe Training courses, Tracks and Classes that you joined, including the number of achievements compared to the overall average, main skills (Top 5) and scores.

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Users can view achievement details in that widget by clicking More details, which redirects them to the Achievement details widget.


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This widget is part of the Gamification solution that is available at the fluig store.
Information about the settings available for that widget can be found at Configure achievements profile widget.


Image RemovedLearning achievements





Post the available options for one of the best times of the day: the time to eat. For each option, add the name, the description, and a picture, if you want to.
